No more foreigners

Our worldwide missionary effort is plurilingual. The Church has always been involved in outreach efforts to other tongues, now translating material into 185 languages. There are wards and branches, led in the local idiom, in 165 countries.

Using our Mormon Brains

This post has two main parts — both involve being Mormon and engaging one’s brain. I think they’re still two distinct issues, but I’ll bring them up together, nonetheless, not least because my guest-blogging days are quickly drawing to a close. (Thank goodness — I feel as if I’ve been sucked into some fascinating and time-swallowing vortex that could be impossible to get out of if I didn’t soon…. How I admire [I think… :-)]all of you permanent bloggers.)

DC Get Together

Bloggernaclites! For those in the Washington, D.C. area there is going to be a get together at Casa Oman (sans, alas, Heather and Jacob, the more interesting Omans) on Saturday, August 13th beginning at about 5pm-ish. It will be a bring your own food kind of BBQ. I will provide watermelon, drinks, and fresh salsa from the Oman garden. If you are interested in attending, please email me at [email protected]. I will send out an email with directions. UPDATE: I have changed the email address to a functional account. Sorry to anyone who tried to send an email to the previous account. Please resend. UPDATE II: OK, so that one didn’t work either. Please resend to [email protected].

Plain and Precious Truths

Nephi teaches that many plain and precious truths that were once had among the Jews have not made it into the Bible handed down to us via the Gentiles. We tend to talk as though these are truths revealed by Christ, but not passed on as his church fell into apostasy. But could many of these be truths lost before the time of Christ, or revealed before Christ but lost shortly after he left the Earth?

Blood on the Doorposts

Let’s call her Sister Jones. We both taught seminary in Northern California a few years ago. I liked her from day one: faithful, funny, and willing to lend out anything from her complete collection of Sunstone back issues. (This was in the days before full Internet access, you see.)

Who Let Her in Here?

I am still a little unsure why Kaimi invited me to be a guest blogger here at T&S. I enjoy reading many of the posts, but I have been entirely too intimidated to comment (although my name did get included in Kaimi’s post: Mormon Makeover shows). You can’t blame me for my fear with comments like:

Pioneer Children

A week has passed since Pioneer Day. I was moved by the memorials here and in my sacrament meeting, where the speakers called us to reflect on, in President Hinckley’s words, the “long shadow” the pioneers cast in which we still find some shelter from the heat of the times. The shadow is real, I think. Some of us are here because of them. In law school I met a girl whose ancestors had joined the kingdom in England and crossed the ocean. Like many, they lingered for a few years at the eastern terminus of the trail to raise money. But somehow they never made it across the plains, they never became pioneer. Now generations of that family have passed in the full light of the world, faith has dried up and withered away, and this daughter of theirs is a Catholic with the usual obscure notions of the Church.

Guest blogger: Carrie Lundell

I’m happy to announce that Carrie Lundell will be guest blogging with us. Carrie is a blogger who has fashion sense (and heaven knows that the bloggernacle could use as much fashion sense as it can find!). Her prior bloggernacle contributions, including “What does an LDS woman wear to a cocktail party?,” have been very well received. Carrie holds a BA in Fashion Design from BYU. She has worked as a children’s clothing designer for Rosetta Millington and for Old Navy, and she currently works as a designer for C.I. Castro, creating the “Sorbet” line of little-girl’s clothing in a job that allows flexibility for time with her family. She also does freelance styling. Carrie is married to high-powered lawyer (and budding natural law theorist) Todd Lundell, and they have one daughter, Lucy, with another daughter due on August 19th. Carrie has spent most of her church career in the Young Women’s organization. She loves Sour Patch Kids, hates cleaning her apartment, and dreams of the day when she will escape New York and return to the West.

Presiding in the Home

(Adam and Sara: you will recognize this topic from our lively late-night chat during your recent visit to Tacoma. I would love to have you both offer some of the insights here that you shared when we talked, if you’re so inclined.)

I’ve long been interested in achieving a greater understanding of the church’s teaching that “by divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness.” (Proclamation on the Family)

Flannel Board Lust

Who knew when I started reading’s new column ‘Object Lust’ that I would fall victim to this deadly sin? Who could have predicted that the object of my attraction would be a flannel board?

On Creating Happy Families

It is only after long consideration that I am finally writing this post. I was somewhat taken aback, perhaps naively so, by the discussion sparked by the brief statement in my intro post that I work full time and that my children are in daycare. Ensuing comments focused on working mothers, following the prophet, the Proclamation on the Family. My mention of my husband’s long commute to Chicago while we lived in Indiana led to a brief discussion of the joint sacrifices required to support a working spouse and how common such support might be among Mormon men for their working wives. I replied to these comments, and wondered if I should leave it at that, especially because these topics are clearly debated regularly, and in great detail, here and on other sites (notably Mormon Feminist Housewives).