- Chad Nielsen on Annotated Doctrine and Covenants, 1 – 9: “Thanks Ardis! I can only imagine how fantastic your collection is, with all the work you’ve done over the years. Jack, I’ll try. I want to push and start publishing a week ahead of the Sunday School weeks, but it’s all dependent on whether I have enough time to keep up on it!” Feb 7, 12:29
- Annotated Doctrine and Covenants, 1 – 9: “Chad, You can do this every two weeks or so? I don’t think I’d be as smart as you if I were given three lifetimes to catch up.” Feb 7, 11:03on
- Annotated Doctrine and Covenants, 1 – 9: “*applause* This is very different from, yet still akin to, my own WIperpetualP of all four standard works, where I record in an electronic edition all my notes from commentaries, with stories and quotations and teaching suggestions and everything else I want to remember that I can tie to a particular point of scripture, so that those things are all visible on the actual page of text. There’s something extremely powerful about tracking insights, whether mechanical or spiritual or literary or pedagogical or any other -al, and integrating them so closely with the actual text. This is probably the only time I will comment, but know that I will be reading and studying your posts in this series.” Feb 7, 08:26on
- The Apostasy and Greek Philosophy: Introduction: “I’m not aware of a difference on these points between JS and Hyrum. I’ll give some more context of this idea developing into the 20th century in my next post. But some LDS thinkers did take shots at Greek philosophy while JS was alive and JS never overtly rebuked such critiques. My sense is that JS kept a lot to himself, especially extra-biblical influence. Which is pretty common for visionaries.” Feb 7, 08:20on
- A Review: Time: Themes in the Doctrine and Covenants: “I was surprised that Barlow didn’t dive into that discussion. Adam Miller had a better one about that topic in Seven Visions: Images of Christ in the Doctrine and Covenants than any discussion in this book about time.” Feb 7, 08:13on
- The Apostasy and Greek Philosophy: Introduction: “It seems to me like the biggest proponents of anti-Platonism in the Church have been the descendants of Hyrum. Which leads me to wonder, was there daylight between Joseph and Hyrum on this issue when they were alive? Or is it just an artifact of Hyrum’s descendants having the playing field pretty much to themselves in the 20th century?” Feb 7, 08:09on
- A Review: Time: Themes in the Doctrine and Covenants: “How about the concept that time as we know it a is always completely simultaneously present – past, present, future – before our Creator” Feb 6, 23:16on
- The Church, Cohort Turnover, and “Change Happening One Funeral at a Time”: “You reference the rebalancing in the church “doctrine “ of the importance of faith in Christ and grace, vs SWK Miracle of Forgiveness -not” approach , which ETB’s emphasis on the BofM [inadvertently?] brought into the Church. I often wondered after closely studying the BofM on my mission to mixed blood northern South America in very early 70’s if the 12 had ever even read the Book of Mormon. It seemed to me if they had that its basic teachings about the atonement and about equality amongst all peoples had completely escaped their blinded eyes. No one who “got” the BofM would ever have produced Miracle of Forgiveness. I tossed every copy I ever encountered during my 12 years combined service as s Bishop and Branch President. The BofM undercut the whole blsck nonsense as well for anyone with two brains to rub together. And obviously it provides the underpinnings for the political course correction Trump/MAGA is trying to effect, (last chapter of Mosiah with constitution for government by Judges)and the fact that leaders may do unrighteously towards themselves but righteousnessly towards their people. Most notable is the necessity for a a painfully direct emphasis on true equality amongst people, including individual accountability for consequences of individual choices. True equality is a terribly demanding taskmaster …a common thread across the BofM. nowadays we’ve become accustomed to treating people on the curve, with unending # of categories demanding special inequality in treatment vs others….” Feb 6, 23:13on
- The Church, Cohort Turnover, and “Change Happening One Funeral at a Time”: “Ah, that one. I was pointing that out in the same way that I’d point out that Marco Rubio or Ryan Gosling had Mormon backgrounds as a fun little bit of trivia; from the context it’s clear it wasn’t meant to impugn him or his conclusions.” Feb 6, 20:51on
- The Church, Cohort Turnover, and “Change Happening One Funeral at a Time”: ““Vaisey, a BYU grad and [I believe] former member” from the post above is one of several recent examples.” Feb 6, 20:48on