Category: Life in the Church

  • How I taught the Proclamation on the Family

    As the Sunday School president at the time (December 2021), I told the teachers in advance that I wanted them to do two things. First, I wanted them to teach the doctrine. Second, I wanted them to teach it so that whoever their students were and whatever their situation, they would feel welcome and accepted.…

  • Everything wrong with Mormon writing (I)

    Collectivize the ignorance, individualize the enlightenment.

  • Review: Melissa Wei-Tsing Inouye, “Sacred Struggle: Seeking Christ on the Path of Most Resistance”

    Review: Melissa Wei-Tsing Inouye, “Sacred Struggle: Seeking Christ on the Path of Most Resistance”

    Melissa Wei-Tsing Inouye’s new book, Sacred Struggle: Seeking Christ on the Path of Most Resistance, confirms her status as reigning queen of great subtitles. It also confirms her status as one of our tradition’s most insightful pastoral-ecclesiological thinkers, worthy heir to the great Chieko Okazaki. Melissa has the professional training, the personal background and experience,…

  • An MTC Experience

    This excerpt comes from Under the Long White Cloud: A Missionary Memoir of New Zealand by Miles Farnsworth. It tells the story of a two-year Latter-day Saint mission, starting with President Thomas S. Monson’s historic policy announcement lowering the age of service for young men and women. The book is more a travelogue and coming-of-age story than…

  • The Poisoning of Deseret

    The Poisoning of Deseret

    One biographer of the famed British composer and ethnomusicologist Ralph Vaughan Williams posted a question – how could Vaughan Williams be both a socialist and a nationalist at the same time?  One tended towards trying to eliminate boundaries and differences while the other tended toward glorying in boundaries and difference.  He answered through two different…

  • Learn English: The Anglicization of the Church

    At the Europe Area Conference in Munich, Germany, in August 1973, President Harold B. Lee, confronted with a variety of languages and the challenges for translators, said: “How helpful it would be if everyone now speaking your own native tongue would learn to speak English. Then you would be able to talk with us more…

  • Juneteenth and Utah Territory

    Tomorrow is Sunday, June 19, which is celebrated as Juneteenth National Independence Day in memory of the day that the Emancipation Proclamation began to be enforced in Galveston, Texas by the Union Army (19 June 1865).  In Utah, this also doubles as the anniversary of the day that Abraham Lincoln signed a bill into law that…

  • [Spiritual Languages] Thoughts From a Liberal, Feminist, Intellectual ProgMo. But Only If You Say So.

    We are introduced to the concept of “chosen people” almost as soon as the bible opens. Though the earth is covered with the children of God there is one line (Isaac and Jacob’s) of one family (Sarah and Abraham’s) that is chosen to do a specific work for God. They are not chosen for their…

  • The first rule about disagreements in church is no one talks about disagreements in church. But we should.

    There are certain things that you grow up with that you don’t realize are weird until you start really noticing the world around you and see that other families don’t do those things your family does. Take one of my friends, for instance, who didn’t realize until well into his twenties that most kids don’t…

  • “Let God Prevail”

    I share here a sacrament meeting talk I delivered recently in my St Louis congregation. I suspect there have been many other such sermons on the same topic delivered in wards around the globe over the past three months. President Nelson’s October address seems to have made a powerful impression on our people in this…

  • Radical Orthodoxy

    I swore off writing manifestos 20 years ago as bad business with no profit in it. Why would I sign this one?

  • I Even Remain Alone: LDS Men sans Families

    I Even Remain Alone: LDS Men sans Families

    I wrote this in over three years ago in response to a call for personal essays on LDS single experiences; alas, it was declined primarily for a lack of anecdotes. It’s not something I would necessarily write today and is longer than a normal blog post. Nevertheless, it’s still a perspective that I rarely see,…

  • Reflections on Meetings in the Church of Christ

    Reflections on Meetings in the Church of Christ

    One of my favorite quotes of all time about Mormonism focuses on the concept of Zion.  “Zion-building is not preparation for heaven.  It is heaven, in embryo.  The process of sanctifying disciples of Christ, constituting them into a community of love and harmony, does not qualify individuals for heaven; sanctification and celestial relationality are the…

  • How Much Art Comes through Church

    Think through this with me: How much art do we see through the Church or because of the Church? I’m talking about all forms of art; visual and performance, representative and symbolic, etc. and etc. What art is delivered to us by the Church? How much art is in our worship and lessons? What impact…

  • Moral Hazards of “Integrity”

    The late Clayton Christensen spends a chapter of his book How Will You Measure Your Life? on how to make sure you live with integrity, in accordance with your principles. His suggestion: make resolutions and stick to them, 100% of the time. If you stick with them only 98%, before you notice you’ll have abandoned…

  • The Power of a Collective Fast

    During General Conference last weekend, President Russell M. Nelson called for a worldwide fast on Good Friday (April 10) to “prayerfully plead for relief from this global pandemic.” Notably, this is the second collective fast in less than two weeks that Nelson has organized to petition God to alleviate “the physical, emotional and economic effects”…

  • Mid-1990’s projections for 2020 revisited

    Mid-1990’s projections for 2020 revisited

    Last week the church reported 16,565,036 members. What did some foresee a quarter of a century ago for 2020? Back to the past’s future. In the Ensign of August 1993 an analysis of church growth concluded: “If growth rates for the past decade remain constant, membership will increase to 12 million by the year 2000,…

  • Martha’s Sacrament Revisited

    In these challenging times, an experience I posted fourteen years ago on Times and Seasons comes back to mind. How would I draw a conclusion now? This was the experience: *** Martha was one of the older sisters in our branch. We counted a scant dozen of them, singles and widows, making more than half…

  • What are the New Roles for our Latter-day Saint Cultures?

    What are the New Roles for our Latter-day Saint Cultures?

    We’ve all seen the changes. Two hour church. High Priests don’t meet separately. No more Scouts. Come Follow Me. Etc., etc., etc. Anyone with a serious continuing connection to the Church is still adjusting. And those adjustments include adjustments to our culture. You’ve probably seen the changes in culture. They include changes to our terminology…

  • Why We Go to Church

    Some of my friends were elated when they heard that church meetings were canceled because of COVID-19, or Coronavirus, “Church cancelled!” texts went out.  Celebratory emojis were shared.  On a more serious note, a family member wondered whether there would be long-term effects on church attendance. Would people keep staying home on Sunday once they…

  • Home church (part 1/x). Pandemics for kids

    They say novel Coronavirus disease is easier on kids, but I’m not sure that’s the case.

  • When There’s Church At Home

    When There’s Church At Home

    Our readers will have heard that the First Presidency announced yesterday that all church meetings and activities have been suspended, due to the worldwide Covid-19 pandemic. As a result, most members and families will worship at home starting this Sunday. In addition, the Church’s counsel says, “We encourage members in their ministering efforts to care…

  • Reacting to Covid-19—How Will We Help?

    Reacting to Covid-19—How Will We Help?

    All those who have traveled on commercial airlines know the instructions: In case of a loss of cabin pressure, put the drop-down mask on yourself first, and then on your child (or companion or others, I presume). The same idea applies to any disaster: secure your own situation first, then help others. This applies to…

  • What Can’t Be Discussed in Church

    What Can’t Be Discussed in Church

    In a podcast I listened to recently, a man who had left the church described going to sacrament meeting with his still-believing wife and feeling upset at what was said in church. He had come to believe that certain claims that are regularly stated at church were not true, and hearing them was uncomfortable. Initially,…

  • Six Funerals and the idea of Legacy

    Six Funerals and the idea of Legacy

    While I was at BYU years ago one of my best friends asked me to go with him and his wife to Cedar City to the Utah Shakespearean Festival. His wife’s father had served a mission with the founder, Fred Adams, and her family had gone frequently over the years since Adams founded the festival.…

  • The Gospel According to “A Christmas Carol” II

    The Gospel According to “A Christmas Carol” II

    As I mentioned in my last post, I read Dickens’ novella, A Christmas Carol each year at this time. As a result of reading it and re-reading it, for me this story has passed from mere entertainment to something much more. In the story Dickens introduces us to Ebenezer Scrooge, who is visited on Christmas Eve by…

  • The Gospel According to “A Christmas Carol” I

    The Gospel According to “A Christmas Carol” I

    At Christmas time, one of my holiday customs is to read Dickens’ novella, A Christmas Carol. I may be a little obsessed with the story — I have three different audio versions on my phone, including one produced by members of my home ward. As a result of reading it and re-reading it, for me…

  • The Standard Christmas Sacrament Meeting

    The Standard Christmas Sacrament Meeting

    My sister recently sent the planned text for the sacrament meeting program in her ward (she is involved in the planning) to me and the rest of our siblings for our suggestions. It was fine, lovely even. It was full of Christmas hymns with brief introductory and concluding texts. Sound familiar? Other than this type…

  • Taking President Hinckley Seriously

    Taking President Hinckley Seriously

    In the April 1997 General Conference Pres. Hinckley said everyone deserves “three things: a friend, a responsibility, and nurturing with ‘the good word of God’”[1. Gordon B. Hinckley, Converts and Young Men, General conference, April 1997]. If local leaders take this seriously, then: What responsibilities/callings can be given to someone who doesn’t think they are worthy?…

  • Toward a Universal Thanksgiving

    Toward a Universal Thanksgiving

    This coming Sunday our neighborhood will hold its 6th annual Interfaith Thanksgiving celebration. As many as 500 members of Jewish, Protestant, Catholic and Mormon congregations will join together for a program giving thanks and blessing children, followed by a communal thanksgiving dinner[1. FWIW, the keynote speaker this year is Dr. Ruth Westheimer! who is a…