Search results for: “A Mormon Image”

  • A Mormon Image: A Photograph of Joseph?

    Some believe that this image is a photograph of the Prophet Joseph Smith. If they are right, it is the only known photographic image of Joseph . . .

  • A Mormon Image: C.C.A. Christiansen

    Since blogs seem to thrive on regular features, I have decided to start one here at T&S. Because my father is an art historian and a curator at the Museum of Church History and Art, I have always been interested in the images and art that Mormonism has produced. Thus, I will begin regularlly posting…

  • A Mormon Image: Our Army


  • Book Review: The Mormon Image in the American Mind

     J. B. Haws, The Mormon Image in the American Mind:  Fifty Years of Public Perception, Oxford University Press.

  • Book Review: Head Start with the Book of MormonBook Cover

    When I think about the curricula available to evangelical homeschoolers, I instantly become guilty of several of the deadly sins. Oh, if I were a young earth creationist, the riches that would be mine!

  • Mormon Images: Office Decor and the Place of Mormonism in American History

    A few weels ago I finished my stint at the public trough and left the service of the federal courts. I know work for the law firm of Sidley, Austin, Brown & Wood in Washington, DC. The identity of the firm is significant only because this is the firm (and office) where Rex E. Lee…

  • Mormon Images

    There is a strange schizophrenia about popular images of Mormons. On one hand, we get stereotyped as shinny, well-scrubbed, conservative, paragons of middle American virtues circa 1955. On the other hand, we get stereotyped as dangerous, homicidal, polygamist fanatics. As Gordon points out in his post the latter stereotype popped up recently in Law &…

  • The New Ex-Mormons

    We just returned from our yearly-ish pilgrimage to Utah. Trips to Utah are always an opportunity  to stick my finger in the air to get a more subjective, qualitative sense of things are going in the Church. Of course, Utah does not equal the Church in so many ways, but it does act as a…

  • Atonement in the Book of Mormon

    Atonement in the Book of Mormon

    The Atonement of Jesus Christ is central to our faith and also central to the message of the Book of Mormon. What exactly, however, does the Book of Mormon say about the Atonement of Jesus Christ? In a recent interview at the Latter-day Saint history blog From the Desk, Nick Frederick discussed Atonement in the…

  • The Curious Role of the Book of Mormon Witnesses in Evangelical Debates about the Resurrection

    The Curious Role of the Book of Mormon Witnesses in Evangelical Debates about the Resurrection

    While we Latter-day Saints have our apologists and reason-based arguments for faith and defenses against attacks on the faith, those are, by our own admission, to help create a place for faith or respond to criticisms that attack that faith, we are careful to formally base our religious epistemology in the numinous, personal spiritual experience. …

  • 2024 Call For Library Research Fellows In Mormon Studies, University of Virginia

    The University of Virginia’s Mormon Studies Program is pleased to announce the inaugural award of the Aileen H. and Hal M. Clyde Research Fellowship in Mormon Studies and Gender. For the year 2024, as many as two fellowships of $2,500 will be awarded for research in the Gregory A. Prince Collection related to Mormonism and…

  • Mormonism in Mexico, Part 21: Maya

    Mormonism in Mexico, Part 21: Maya

    As the Church became strongly established in Mexico, it spread from the historic epicenters in Mexico City and the northern colonies to reach across the full country—including among the Maya peoples of southern Mexico.

  • Mormonism in Mexico, Part 20: Stakes and Temples

    Mormonism in Mexico, Part 20: Stakes and Temples

    The Third Convention was reunited to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in part due to the observation that stakes with local leadership and local temples would come only as the schism healed and the Church continued to become stronger in Mexico. It took some time, but stakes and temples did come.

  • Mormonism in Mexico, Part 19: The Third Convention

    Mormonism in Mexico, Part 19: The Third Convention

    Events conspired to create a schism in the Church in Mexico, but eventually the Third Convention group that had split reunited with the Church.

  • Mormonism in Mexico, Part 18: The First Two Conventions

    Mormonism in Mexico, Part 18: The First Two Conventions

    Despite dealing with isolation and neglect, Latter-day Saints in Mexico continued to function and serve well. But eventually, things reached a breaking point.

  • Mormonism in Mexico, Part 17: Sans Anglo-American Leadership

    Mormonism in Mexico, Part 17: Sans Anglo-American Leadership

    While Mexico had stabilized from the Revolution, the 1920s saw continuing strains for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Mexico.

  • Mormonism in Mexico, Part 16: Colonial Decimation

    Mormonism in Mexico, Part 16: Colonial Decimation

    The Latter-day Saint colonies in Mexico were becoming successful after years of effort. But the Mexican Revolution changed them forever.

  • Mormonism in Mexico, Part 15: War

    Mormonism in Mexico, Part 15: War

    The Mexican Revolution impacted every Mexican, and that included the Mexican Latter-day Saints, some of whom did their best to stay out of the conflict, some of whom became casualties of war, and some of whom joined in the revolution.

  • Mormonism in Mexico, Part 14: Revolution

    Mormonism in Mexico, Part 14: Revolution

    The Mexican Revolution was a decade of terrible destruction that brought a wave of changes to the Church in Mexico.

  • Mormonism in Mexico, Part 12: Bautista’s Lamanites

    Mormonism in Mexico, Part 12: Bautista’s Lamanites

    While efforts to gather converts from central Mexico failed and the mission in central Mexico closed, there would still be future successes. Among the earliest converts in the 20th century in Mexico, the Bautista family would go on to have an impact on the Church for years to come, including the development of an indigenous-affirming…

  • Mormonism in Mexico, Part 11: The Gathering

    Mormonism in Mexico, Part 11: The Gathering

    An attempt to found a colony of Mexican converts in the north didn’t end up going as well as anyone had hoped, to disastrous results.

  • Mormonism in Mexico, Part 10: Lamanites

    Mormonism in Mexico, Part 10: Lamanites

    A lot of early missionary work in Mexico was driven by an understanding that the missionaries were preaching to Lamanites. But being considered a Lamanite can be both a blessing and a curse.

  • Mormonism in Mexico, Part 9: Persisting Polygamy

    Mormonism in Mexico, Part 9: Persisting Polygamy

    As a haven established to practice polygamy, the colonies in northern Mexico played a role in plural marriage persisting in the Church into the 20th century.

  • Mormonism in Mexico, Part 8: Colonization

    Mormonism in Mexico, Part 8: Colonization

    One of the important aspects of the Church’s presence in Mexico was the establishment of colonies in the far north.  Intended as refuges against anti-polygamy legislation and persecution, the colonies were a constellation of settlements that proved successful for many years and, in some cases, still continue to exist to this day.

  • Mormonism in Mexico, Part 7: Popocatépetl

    Mormonism in Mexico, Part 7: Popocatépetl

    The mission to central Mexico had many successes, but also proved difficult to sustain.

  • Mormonism in Mexico, Part 6: Voz de amonestación

    Mormonism in Mexico, Part 6: Voz de amonestación

    The first two years of missionary work in central Mexico brought some long-standing successes, such as the conversion of Desideria Quintanar de Yáñez and her family, and some frustrating failures, as was the case with Plotino C. Rhodakanaty.

  • Mormonism in Mexico, Part 5: Thanks to Plotino

    Mormonism in Mexico, Part 5: Thanks to Plotino

    In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints post-WWII, the statement that a socialist and anarchist was largely responsible for initiating missionary work in the country that is home to the second-largest community of Latter-day Saints is unexpected. Yet, that is exactly what happened in Mexico thanks to Plotino Constantino Rhodakanaty and his associates.

  • Mormonism in Mexico, Part 4: Look out for places where our brethren could go

    Mormonism in Mexico, Part 4: Look out for places where our brethren could go

    It seems that in times of trouble, the early Latter-day Saints looked towards Mexico for refuge.

  • An AI-generated Mormon Short Story: The Silent Prayer

    An AI-generated Mormon Short Story: The Silent Prayer

    In my last post I discussed the potential role of using AIs to generate ideas for Mormon fiction, concluding that the results were mixed but there were some gems in there. In this post I will take it one step further and use AI to generate an actual short story from one of the prompts that…

  • Mormonism in Mexico, Part 3: A few things that needed to happen

    Mormonism in Mexico, Part 3: A few things that needed to happen

    Elder Parley P. Pratt’s mission to Chile highlighted a few things that needed to happen in order to successfully establish missions in Spanish-speaking countries.