Category: Mormon Arts

  • A Mormon Image: Hand in Hand on Temple Square

    A Mormon Image: Hand in Hand on Temple Square

    Walking hand in hand with my family on Temple Square in April 2009. Taking our one year old daughter for the first time was very special, and as we walked I looked around to ask someone to take our picture. We were alone. As I looked at our shadows, I thought that was a much…

  • A Mormon Image: Mormon Helping Hands

    A Mormon Image: Mormon Helping Hands

    About 800 Members of the Sacramento California Stake and their friends donated more than 2,000 man-hours at the City of Sacramento’s William Land Park, which has seen its finding cut by 60 percent in recent years and its maintenance staff trimmed from 22 to seven employees. Volunteers focused on numerous work projects, including historic trail…

  • Renewed Call for Photo Submissions

    Since instituting the “A Mormon Image” series last fall, our submissions have slowed from a glut to a trickle.  As a result, we thought we would issue a new call for photographs to be considered for inclusion in the series. The instructions for submissions can be found here and the images we have featured since…

  • A Mormon Image: Nauvoo Temple at First Light

    A Mormon Image: Nauvoo Temple at First Light

    The Nauvoo Temple at about 4:15 in the morning.  I was up watching the equipment for the pageant and saw the Temple at the first early light.

  • A Mormon Image: Apostle and Cowboy

    A Mormon Image: Apostle and Cowboy

    Elder George Albert Smith at Sundown Ranch in Aripine, Arizona (1941).

  • This Mormon Life

    This Mormon Life

    Several weeks ago the NPR program This American Life aired a stunning segment on Gordon Gee, the Latter-day Saint President of Ohio State University, and his daughter Rebecca. The segment revolved around a series of letters Gordon’s late wife Elizabeth wrote to their daughter as she was dying of cancer.  Rebecca was 16 at the…

  • A Mormon Image: Apostle and Grandfather

    A Mormon Image: Apostle and Grandfather

    Elder Spencer W. Kimball holding a grandchild, circa 1972 (Courtesy of Ed Kimball)

  • A Mormon Image: Never Too Old for Trunk or Treat

    A Mormon Image: Never Too Old for Trunk or Treat

    As I dressed my 3 year old in her Halloween costume for the ward trunk or treat, she asked “and mom, what are you going to be?”  Oh, I’m too old for this stuff, I thought.  Then as we walked in that night, I saw this 70 year-old clown and realized, we’re never too old…

  • A Mormon Image: Saturday Afternoon Session
  • A Mormon Image: Temple Lovers

    A Mormon Image: Temple Lovers

    The night after we buried my mother, in a hill at the foot of the Wasatch from where her second favorite temple can be seen. Her favorite was Logan, where she was sealed to my father, who would soon follow her to the grave.

  • A Mormon Image: Elijah

    A Mormon Image: Elijah

    The most recent baptism in our family. I wish I had a similar photo of our daughter, but, of course, I wasn’t in the change room with her.

  • A Mormon Image: Baby in the Cupboard

    A Mormon Image: Baby in the Cupboard

    Looking for some yummy snacks among the #10 cans. Good luck!

  • A Mormon Image: Ye are the Light of the World

    The Los Angeles temple at night.

  • A Mormon Image: Grandparents

    A Mormon Image: Grandparents

    This photo was taken the week before we moved across the country and left all of our family back home.   Just a warm summer evening, feeding the ducks with Grandma and Grandpa, and enjoying the experience.  I never understood why people said it was great to be a grandparent, until I became a parent myself. …

  • A Mormon Image: Joy On A Cattle Truck

    A Mormon Image: Joy On A Cattle Truck

    This is a group of mostly single Latter-day Saints from D.C. and elsewhere who are on their way to volunteer in a remote Guatemalan village in the Polochic Valley– one of the poorest in the world.  Many of the villagers from this area are themselves Latter-day Saints. The volunteer work done be this group consisted…

  • A Mormon Image:  Sweaters for the Penguins

    A Mormon Image: Sweaters for the Penguins

    The sweaters that these penguins are wearing are designed to save their lives after oil spills off of the Australian coast. They were knitted by Aussie Relief Society sisters. Who says that LDS service projects aren’t fun? (And as Nate asked last time: Who got to put them on the penguins?) (Picture courtesy of LDS…

  • A Mormon Image: Weighing Eternity

    A Mormon Image: Weighing Eternity

    An oft-quoted passage from our Bible Dictionary states that “only the home can compare with the temple in sacredness.” This statement has been concretely validated in the birth of our children. No experience I have ever had has compared in holiness with our experiences of welcoming our children into this world and into our home.…

  • Church + Music = Fun

    Church + Music = Fun

    Music is a wonderfully enriching part of church life, both in worship services themselves and in church culture generally. It’s a blessing in many, many ways—including ways that are light-hearted and fun. Forgive me, then, for sharing the following not-so-serious and rather random stories with a musical twist. (1) The ward where I grew up…

  • Letting Go

    Letting Go

    Thanks so much for all the fun. Before departing, I leave this layered perspective on parenthood and then return you to your regular T&S, already in progress.

  • Sacred Spaces, Holy Ground

    Sacred Spaces, Holy Ground

    We, the children of our Heavenly Father, naturally make places where we can draw closer to Him. Almost all of us do it- in some way- all over the world. The thoughts and efforts we put into these holy places reflect our theology, values, hopes and desires.

  • A Mormon Image: Smiles

    A Mormon Image: Smiles

    “…make the world a better place by smiling all the while.” (Primary Song #267) From the author of salt lake architecture and green mormon architect blogs.

  • A Mormon Image:  Memorial

    A Mormon Image: Memorial

    from Bill of Wasilla, who writes: Dad is the man who lies in this flag-draped coffin. I will not say too much about him for now, except that he was a good father and that, thanks to him, and many more like him, most of them gone now, the evil dream of a man named…

  • A Mormon Image:  Guardian Angel

    A Mormon Image: Guardian Angel

    This is a statue of an angel in the cemetery where my first baby is burried. I like that she’s smiling. Death is heartbreaking but it’s not only sad. I am also filled with hope when I think about my son. He is alive and happy and we can be an eternal family. It has…

  • A Mormon Image: House of Learning

    A Mormon Image: House of Learning

    My sister studies outside the John Taylor building on the campus of Brigham Young University- Idaho. “ learning, even by study and also by faith.” D&C 88:118 by Blake

  • Halloween Costumes and Inner Conflict

    Halloween scares me. Of course, I’m scared of lots of things—poverty, cancer, rape, gang violence, Satan, etc. I thought I should admit that up front.  Make of it what you will.

  • A Mormon Image:  Preparing for the Wedding Reception

    A Mormon Image: Preparing for the Wedding Reception

    Photo by L-s Sus, who writes: The picture is of my wife and son and was taken at my sister’s wedding. It captures many themes that resonate with my concept of Mormon identity: Family, Motherhood, Nurturing, and Beauty. It also reminds me that we have benevolent heavenly parents who reach down and give assistance, and…

  • Photo Series:  A Mormon Image

    Photo Series: A Mormon Image

    In an effort to increase the beauty-to-blather ratio around here, we’d like to kick off a new series of posts featuring photos and other images which carry meaning to us because they resonate with our Mormonness. And we’d like to include all of you in this project. That is, we’re inviting you all to send…

  • My Teen Swears in the Name of Art

    My Teen Swears in the Name of Art

    They immersed themselves in the characters and, by so doing, opened the door to deeply significant conversations between the cast, their parents, and the community. Artistic explorations have the power to touch us deeply, in ways that detached discussion about concepts cannot.

  • Corianton – An Unholy Review

    Corianton – An Unholy Review

    Short review of Corianton: By today’s standards, it wasn’t a very good movie. But by 1931 standards? Well, it wasn’t a very good movie.

  • Let Them Praise His Name in the Dance!

    I went on one of the best dates I’ve been on in some time tonight – my daughter and I went to BYU’s World of Dance.