
Questions about Bishop Budde’s Remarks

Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde

Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde, the Episcopal Bishop of Washington DC has received a lot of attention for her remarks earlier this week at a prayer breakfast attended by the new occupant of the White House, which also drew a demand for her to apologize. The controversy raises a number of questions, I think, especially if you think she should not have made them.

I had a lot of questions when I imagined if an LDS Stake President or Area Authority (or maybe even General Authority) had been asked to speak at such an event. What would or should he say?

For what it’s worth, President Peter K. Christensen of the Washington D.C. Temple apparently WAS at the event and participated by reading one of the prepared prayers—so he did not have the opportunity to give his own remarks.

For context, here is the portion of Bishop Budde’s remarks that have been quoted in the media and seem to have drawn the controversy.

In the name of our God, I ask you to have mercy upon the people in our country. We’re scared now. The people who pick our crops and clean our office buildings, who labor in poultry farms and meatpacking plants, who wash the dishes after we eat in restaurants and work the night shifts in hospitals. They may not be citizens or have the proper documentation, but the vast majority of immigrants are not criminals. They pay taxes, and are good neighbors. They are faithful members of our churches and mosques, synagogues, gurdwara, and temples. I ask you to have mercy, Mr. President, on those in our communities whose children fear that their parents will be taken away, and that you help those who are fleeing war zones and persecution in their own lands to find compassion and welcome here.

I must admit that I don’t know what has been said in previous sermons given at this national prayer breakfast. I do believe it is held regularly, and I think that the new President attended them during his first term. Since Bishop Budde has served in her current position since 2011, I assume she also attended the prayer breakfasts during the first term.

Were these remarks a departure from those at previous breakfasts? I don’t know.

So, here are my questions:

  1. Is there anything in Bishop Budde’s remarks that significantly contradicts the gospel? Without being specifically addressed to the president, could the same words be said in an LDS prayer in sacrament meeting?
  2. Bishop Budde’s remarks can be seen as an example of parrhesia, the term the ancient Greeks used for an individual speaking boldly to someone who had power over them, calling them out. For example, the Apostle Paul did this in Acts, speaking to Agrippa.

However, in the LDS Church today we don’t have a tradition of speaking out like this. Is parrhesia ok? Is it something that should be done when those in power aren’t acting as they should?

  1. Is a prayer breakfast a good venue for this kind of speech?
  • Should leaders expect to hear pleas for mercy like this? Isn’t hearing what those who disagree with you say part of the job?

  • Ideally, how would an LDS leader act in this situation?

  • What should we learn from this?

  • Likely, those of you who read this also have questions.


    8 responses to “Questions about Bishop Budde’s Remarks”

    1. Stephen C.

      It’s true that she does not contradict anything Church-wise, but she’s clearly taking a very specific policy position for open borders (which, incidentally, I agree with, but let’s be frank that not deporting people is functionally open borders) with only the barest veneer of not doing so.

      Now, that might be fine, but there are costs whenever any church takes a firm policy position as opposed to speaking in more general moral principles, and her rhetoric was clearly the former, so it’s more along the lines of the time the priest gave a homily on abortion legalization to the Supreme Court justices at the Red Mass.

    2. Personally I prefer the approach taken by Nathan, but I think we’re well beyond questions of taste and decorum at this point. It seems to me that a larger problem is that we have a president and a lot of his followers who can’t keep keep it together for even the 5 minutes it would take for this prayer to be forgotten by just, you know, not reacting to the indignity of being forced to hear something they disagreed with.

      How can a religious leader avoid overt political agitation without offering religious sanction to words or actions that contradict the faith they represent?

    3. John Melonakos

      Mercy and compassion are not attributes Trump understands.

    4. The event was a national, interfaith prayer service to offer prayers for the nation. The sermon given was inappropriate for that setting because it was a pointed political message with the thinnest veneer of religion. The sermon should have, and could have, made a number of the same basic points without the brazen political statements. The sermon should have been addressed to all of the leaders present, not merely the president. Attacking President Trump personally for his policies turned this from a sermon to a political attack in a service that was originally meant to rise above politics and unify the leadership and nation before God. By the way, I have the exact same criticisms of the Rev. Franklin Graham, whose prayer at the inauguration suffered from the same exact faults, with the difference that he fawned over Trump rather than attacking him.

      I have spent much of the past day thinking how I would have given this sermon. For example, the sermon could have:
      1. reminded the president, vice-president, and other political leaders of their need for compassion and listening to those who are hurting on all sides.
      2. reminded the president, vice-president, and other political leaders of the need to listen to each other and stop the name-calling and other harmful rhetoric.
      3. reminded the president, vice-president, and other political leaders that they need to be servant-leaders, get off of their high-horses, and learn humility.
      4. reminded the president, vice-president, and other political leaders of the need for honesty and civility. This goes for Trump. Vance, Schumer, Pelosi, McConnell, Schiff, and nearly every elected politician in Washington.
      5. emphasized America’s place in the world as a shining city on a hill that the rest of the world looks up to and made the point that our leadership, all of them in both parties, need to be worthy of that dream and ideal.
      6. emphasized the need to seek divine wisdom as Solomon did.

      If the Bishop had wanted to go after Trump politically, she should have picked a political venue. Dragging the church into politics ends badly for both politics and the church.

      With regard to parrhesia, it is inapplicable here because Trump has no power, ecclesiastical or civil, over Budde. Budde had nothing to lose. The argument could be made that she gained stature among those who agree with her and dislike the president; I lack sufficient facts to press that argument further.

      Should an LDS leader publicly give a sermon like this in a national unity setting? No way. We don’t need any further entrapment in politics. If the Church disagrees with a policy, the Church should participate in the political process like everyone else (ie. the MX missile and ERA). If the Church feels the need to call a politician to repentance, do that personally and privately with that politician.

    5. Left Field

      She called for mercy towards people who are scared. That’s a political statement?

      She didn’t advocate for any immigration policy. She didn’t say people couldn’t be deported. She didn’t call for “open borders” (whatever THAT means). She didn’t say that criminals couldn’t be deported or prosecuted. She didn’t even ask for mercy towards criminals. She just asked him to consider the “dignity of every human being.”

      If the president’s political policies are contradicted by a call to consider mercy and dignity, then we’ve got a lot of problems with the direction our government is taking.

    6. In the old days, the King of France sat for a sermon from a churchman once a year. The churchman had to respect the dignity of the king, but was allowed to say things to him that others could not dare say out loud.

      I think Bishop Budde’s sermon fits well in that tradition.

    7. I would argue her sermon was inappropriate for the occasion. Episcopalian church is literally dying in the US. This type of sermon and the liberal theology of it are why I would wager that there are now more LDS MEMBERS in the DC Area than members of her diocese.

    8. Bishop Budde fan club president

      President Trump reminds me more of King Noah in the Book of Mormon than anyone else. Maybe he needs an Abinidi to call him to repentance. Seems like this is an appropriate thing for a pastor to do. Anyone outraged by this obviously has more allegiance to the conservative Republican Party than Christianity or in my opinion Christ.

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