Year: 2024

  • “In his own tongue, and in his own language”: Or, all Church leaders now speak 27 languages

    “In his own tongue, and in his own language”: Or, all Church leaders now speak 27 languages

    “Hearing the gospel in their own tongue” A January 2024 report on advances in AI and what they mean for the Church New Unicorn-startup-on-the-block Elevens Labs has rolled out a more refined dubbing/translation service. Now one can simply upload any video under 45 minutes long and hear it in one of 27 different languages in…

  • Point: Worship Through Music

    Start practicing not hating the new hymn book now.

  • Latter-day Saints and Biblical Theology

    Interpreting the scriptures is a vital part of the Judeo-Christian tradition. In a recent interview at the Latter-day Saint history blog From the Desk, Joseph Spencer discussed a particular approach to interpreting the Bible—Biblical Theology. In particular, he focused on recent developments in Latter-day Saint Biblical Theology. What follows here is a co-post to the…

  • Latter-day Saint Perspectives on Atonement – A Review

    Latter-day Saint Perspectives on Atonement – A Review

    Latter-day Saint Perspectives on Atonement is a fascinating journey through the scriptures and teachings of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints about the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

  • Pioneer Utah and Gender Inequality in Education

    Pioneer Utah and Gender Inequality in Education

    Back in the day, the census would record the literacy of respondents (in any language), so I used the IPUMS data (that I have used in several posts before) to access the complete censuses of pioneer Utah and look at literacy across time by gender. The complete US census data across all the years literacy was…

  • I once was Lehi

    In the scriptures, we find (among other things) stories we slip into in order to make sense of our lives. We are Adam and Eve, Joseph preparing for a famine, David facing Goliath, Alma the Younger looking back at his choices. We teach people to seek answers by earnestly praying like Joseph Smith in the…

  • Grant Hardy on the Annotated Book of Mormon

    Grant Hardy on the Annotated Book of Mormon

    It was a monumental effort to create this version of the Book of Mormon.

  • Moral Luck and Homosexuality in the Church

    Moral Luck and Homosexuality in the Church

    Most of us have at some point checked our phone while driving. However, for a small minority of cases somebody walks in front of us and gets killed. We then (somewhat rightfully) blame the distracted driver for the death, even though most of us have inadvisedly checked our phone while driving, and it’s just the…

  • Misinterpreting “Large in Stature”

    Misinterpreting “Large in Stature”

    By Mike Winder   When Nephi says he is “large in stature” does that mean he is merely “tall and muscular” or something else? Sometimes in the Bible stature means height, such as “a man of great stature” in 2 Samuel 21:20 speaking of the man born to the giant of Gath.

  • “As the Gods”: Pre-Sapiens Hominids and God’s Plan

    “As the Gods”: Pre-Sapiens Hominids and God’s Plan

    When it comes to human evolution or deep human history, there’s a sort of begrudging acceptance in Church culture of its possibility, or it’s used as some cudgel in a broader debate about biblical errancy or how symbolic Adam and Eve were, but very few have taken it any further and really sat down and…

  • Christian Nationalism

    One type of journalism I particularly enjoy not reading is the LDS-shaped hole in long-form articles about the agonies of American Christianity.

  • Bayes’ Theorem and Testimony

    Bayes’ Theorem and Testimony

      Where I actually am while writing this as a Boltzmann Brain When I was younger there was a chain of thought I had regarding my testimony that hinged on Bayesian logic (although I didn’t know the term at the time).  Bayesian statistics and logic is a field that incorporates prior probabilities into current probabilities.…

  • Hymnbook Watch: January 2024

    Hymnbook Watch: January 2024

    We’re getting closer to the new hymnbook/songbook being released. I talked about some updates last August, but there has been some other information that has come out since then.

  • On Martha Hughes Cannon

    Martha Hughes Cannon was a notable, if complicated, woman in Utah history. Although somewhat forgotten (partly due to her son burning all her journals, at her request), she has become more widely remembered in recent years. In a recent interview at the Latter-day Saint history blog, From the Desk, biographer Constance L. Lieber shared some…

  • It is Okay for the Church to Defend Its Claims

    A Public Square Magazine article has been making the rounds about the history behind the Church being caught flat-footed in responding to probably the most influential piece of anti-Mormon literature of the 2010s. Not that people in the Church ecosystem didn’t have good responses, but at the time it hit, the traditional institution on whom…

  • Cutting Edge Latter-day Saint Research, December 2023

    Ehat, Stephen Kent. “Asymmetry in Chiasms, With a Note About Deuteronomy 8 and Alma 36.”Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship,Volume 59 (2023)