Back in February, I announced that I have a book about the Doctrine and Covenants that is scheduled to be published by By Common Consent Press this December. After a lot of hard work by a lot of different people, I am happy to say that is still the case! Fragments of Revelation: Exploring the Book of Doctrine and Covenants is now available for pre-order for the Kindle edition (which should be released in a week), with the paperback version planned to be released in the near future.

The official press release is as follows:
Fragments of Revelation: Exploring the Book of Doctrine and Covenants is a collection of essays reflecting on the text of the Doctrine and Covenants. The collection includes theological musings on interpretations, examinations of the ideas portrayed in the documents and how those ideas have evolved in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints since the time the revelations were recorded, stories from Church history that relate to the revelations and the things they taught, and wrestling with concerns and anxieties about the texts and history.
FRAGMENTS OF REVELATION will be available just in time for your 2025 Come Follow Me study!
Chad’s three great intellectual passions in life are science, history and religious studies, and music. He has pursued a career in biotechnology, but maintains an active interest in both of his other passions. Chad is a four-time winning contestant in the Arrington Writing Award competition held at Utah State University and has presented at the Society of Mormon Philosophy and Theology. He is a practicing Latter-day Saint who currently serves as a member of the Bells at Temple Square and writes for the Latter-day Saint blogs Times and Seasons and From the Desk.