Category: Latter-day Saint Thought

  • The Value of Education

    Guest post by Caleb Griffin. Recently, I listened to an interesting round table discussion from leaders of the Church of Latter-day Saints of Jesus Christ on the value of education. Throughout the course of the discussion and the post-discussion lecture, the speakers seemed to place the value of education on its ability to bless the lives…

  • Temple Architectural Heritages: Los Angeles

    Temple Architectural Heritages: Los Angeles

    The Los Angeles is an example of a “modern single spired design” like the Bern, Switzerland Temple and the London, England temple. It is also one of eight temples that have an assembly room. Being in the priesthood assembly hall–a large, cavernous room in the bright, holy context of a temple–is a special experience that I…

  • Waiting for Saints, Volume 4

    Waiting for Saints, Volume 4

    Saints, Volume 3 came out on April 22, 2022. Given the estimated biannual cadence of releases for the series, we are likely to see Saints, Volume 4: Sounded in Every Ear come out sometime next year. Now, I hope by now that it’s clear that I am a fan of the series and when we…

  • The Miracle of Forgiveness: Experiences from President Kimball’s Journal

    The Miracle of Forgiveness: Experiences from President Kimball’s Journal

    Journal text selected by Dennis B. Horne.   Some liberal dissidents of that day and this take issue with Elder Kimball’s book The Miracle of Forgiveness, thinking Elder Kimball to have been too hard and harsh on those who indulge in sin and won’t repent. For this reason I have included many diary entries documenting his…

  • Mormonism in Mexico, Part 21: Maya

    Mormonism in Mexico, Part 21: Maya

    As the Church became strongly established in Mexico, it spread from the historic epicenters in Mexico City and the northern colonies to reach across the full country—including among the Maya peoples of southern Mexico.

  • Counseling Experiences from President Kimball’s Journal: 1971 – 1974

    Journal text selected by Dennis B. Horne. Much of Spencer W. Kimball’s Apostolic ministry was devoted to working with and counseling members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that had committed “moral” sins.

  • Temple Architectural Heritages: Las Vegas

    Temple Architectural Heritages: Las Vegas

    According to the excellent Wikipedia article on LDS temple architecture, the Las Vegas temple is one of about a dozen temples that exhibit the “sloped roof style” that was used for temples in the mid- to late-1980s.

  • Counseling Experiences from President Kimball’s Journal: 1966 – 1970

    Journal text selected by Dennis B. Horne. Much of Spencer W. Kimball’s Apostolic ministry was devoted to working with and counseling members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that had committed “moral” sins.

  • Mormonism in Mexico, Part 20: Stakes and Temples

    Mormonism in Mexico, Part 20: Stakes and Temples

    The Third Convention was reunited to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in part due to the observation that stakes with local leadership and local temples would come only as the schism healed and the Church continued to become stronger in Mexico. It took some time, but stakes and temples did come.

  • Counseling Experiences from President Kimball’s Journal: 1960 – 1965

    Journal text selected by Dennis B. Horne. Much of Spencer W. Kimball’s Apostolic ministry was devoted to working with and counseling members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that had committed “moral” sins.

  • Temple Architectural Heritages: Manti

    Temple Architectural Heritages: Manti

    From Wikipedia: The Manti Temple is “Castellated Gothic.” From the Church website: “A castellated style reflects construction influences of Gothic Revival, French Renaissance Revival, French Second Empire and colonial architecture.”

  • The Many Lives of the King Follett Sermon

    I have to admit that I have had an ongoing fascination with the King Follett Sermon. I had been acquainted with bits and pieces of it here and there, but only really became familiar with the full text early on in my mission. But it has shaped a lot of my theology and views in…

  • Counseling Experiences from President Kimball’s Journal: 1943 – 1959

    Journal text selected by Dennis B. Horne. Much of Spencer W. Kimball’s Apostolic ministry was devoted to working with and counseling members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that had committed “moral” sins.

  • Review: Melissa Wei-Tsing Inouye, “Sacred Struggle: Seeking Christ on the Path of Most Resistance”

    Review: Melissa Wei-Tsing Inouye, “Sacred Struggle: Seeking Christ on the Path of Most Resistance”

    Melissa Wei-Tsing Inouye’s new book, Sacred Struggle: Seeking Christ on the Path of Most Resistance, confirms her status as reigning queen of great subtitles. It also confirms her status as one of our tradition’s most insightful pastoral-ecclesiological thinkers, worthy heir to the great Chieko Okazaki. Melissa has the professional training, the personal background and experience,…

  • Temple Architectural Heritages: Cardston

    Temple Architectural Heritages: Cardston

    I’ve always had a sort of passing interest in temple architectural history and design, so I thought I’d get Chat-GPT-V’s take on the possible architectural influences of different temples by uploading an image, asking it to “explain the architectural influences of this building and provide examples of buildings typifying these influences. Discuss non-LDS-specific architectural themes.”…

  • Joseph Smith’s Gold Plates: A Review

    Richard Lyman Bushman’s Joseph Smith’s Gold Plates: A Cultural History (Oxford University Press, 2023) is an important contribution to Book of Mormon studies. As a cultural history of the gold plates, the book traces the story of the plates and the translation of the Book of Mormon, reactions to the story and the development of…

  • Temple Architectural Heritages: Kirtland

    Temple Architectural Heritages: Kirtland

    I was just given access to Chat-GPT’s image upload functionality. I’ve always had a sort of passing interest in temple architectural history and design, so I thought I’d get Chat-GPT’s take on the possible architectural influences of different temples, asking it to “explain the architectural influences of this building and provide examples of buildings typifying…

  • Memories: Inspirational Excerpts from The Journal of President Spencer W. Kimball

    Memories: Inspirational Excerpts from The Journal of President Spencer W. Kimball

    Compiled by Dennis B. Horne Editorial note: the below excerpts from President Kimball’s journal were selected because I find them to be extra uplifting and edifying, or otherwise special in some way. I did not include a date with them because when I encountered and chose them I was interested in precious spiritual experience and…

  • Temple Architectural Heritages: Provo

    Temple Architectural Heritages: Provo

    I was just given access to Chat-GPT’s image functionality. Now you can upload images and have it answer questions about it. (Yes, I know, but bear with me, after this I think it will be a while before we have anything fundamentally new in the AI space, so this might be my last AI series for a…

  • Lowell Bennion

    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints saw a group of highly-impactful university professors during the 20th century who helped to shape Latter-day Saint thought. For many, Hugh Nibley, Truman Madsen, Eugene England are a well-known part of their experience with the Church. Another figure that deserves to be remembered in that group is…

  • Mormonism in Mexico, Part 19: The Third Convention

    Mormonism in Mexico, Part 19: The Third Convention

    Events conspired to create a schism in the Church in Mexico, but eventually the Third Convention group that had split reunited with the Church.

  • Meeting Church Leaders: Inspirational Excerpts from The Journal of President Spencer W. Kimball

    Meeting Church Leaders: Inspirational Excerpts from The Journal of President Spencer W. Kimball

    Compiled by Dennis B. Horne Editorial note: the below excerpts from President Kimball’s journal were selected because I find them to be extra uplifting and edifying, or otherwise special in some way. I did not include a date with them because when I encountered and chose them I was interested in precious spiritual experience and…

  • Neal A. Maxwell: Disciple Scholar

    A favorite speaker at general conference when I was growing up was Neal A. Maxwell. Eloquent and deeply thought out talks were something of a hallmark for him, with plenty of alliteration thrown in for good measure. His life and discipleship was discussed in a recent interview with Bruce C. Hafen at the Latter-day Saint…

  • Presidents of the Church: Inspirational Excerpts from The Journal of President Spencer W. Kimball

    Presidents of the Church: Inspirational Excerpts from The Journal of President Spencer W. Kimball

    Compiled by Dennis B. Horne Editorial note: the below excerpts from President Kimball’s journal were selected because I find them to be extra uplifting and edifying, or otherwise special in some way. I did not include a date with them because when I encountered and chose them I was interested in precious spiritual experience and…

  • Inspirational Excerpts from The Journal of President Spencer W. Kimball, Part 1: Leadership

    Inspirational Excerpts from The Journal of President Spencer W. Kimball, Part 1: Leadership

    Compiled by Dennis B. Horne Editorial note: the below excerpts from President Kimball’s journal were selected because I find them to be extra uplifting and edifying, or otherwise special in some way. I did not include a date with them because when I encountered and chose them I was interested in precious spiritual experience and…

  • Mormonism in Mexico, Part 18: The First Two Conventions

    Mormonism in Mexico, Part 18: The First Two Conventions

    Despite dealing with isolation and neglect, Latter-day Saints in Mexico continued to function and serve well. But eventually, things reached a breaking point.

  • Latter-day Saints in Micronesia and Guam

    Latter-day Saints in Micronesia and Guam

    At the last general conference, I was impressed by something briefly mentioned by Quentin L. Cook. He talked about a seventh-generation member from Tahiti, with her ancestors joining the Church in 1845 (2 years before the Latter-day Saints in the U.S. migrated to Utah/Deseret or Brigham Young organized the First Presidency).[1] It was a brief…

  • Was it the Angel Moroni?

    Was it the Angel Moroni?

    Today marks the 200th anniversary of the day Joseph Smith said that he saw the golden plates, with last night being the anniversary of the evening that he recalled the Angel Moroni appearing to him. Yet, from time to time, there have been questions raised about whether Joseph Smith consistently said that it was Moroni…

  • The ancient owner of the Book of Abraham papyri

    Joseph Smith claimed that the Book of Abraham was a translation of some of the papyri he purchased along with some mummies in Kirtland. It is difficult to ascertain the full nature of those papyri since a lot of them burned. But we can learn some about the history of those papyri from the fragments…

  • Harold B. Lee: Life and Thought: A Review

    Harold B. Lee: Life and Thought: A Review

    Harold B. Lee: Life and Thought by Newell G. Bringhurst (Signature Books, 2021) is a highly affordable and readable biography of one of the most influential figures in the history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Although his tenure as president of the Church was short, Harold B. Lee had already reshaped…