
Doxologías is an expanded text based on “Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow”, but it was eventually phased out in favor of the latter by the time that the 1942 hymnal was published.

Note: This is a part of an ongoing series, the Mexico Mission Hymns Project


Edmund Richardson

LM (

Table 1. Variations in text in different editions.

1907 Himnario Mormón1912 Himnos de Sión
Loór á Dios; al Padre dad,
Al Hijo Redentor loád,
Y al Espíritu Mentor;
Al Trino Dios, eterno loór.
Loor á Dios; al Padre dad,
Al Hijo Redentor load,
Y al Espíritu Mentor;
Al Trino Dios, eterno loor.
A la santa, santa Trinidad,
Al Dios eterno alabad;
Al Padre, Cristo y Mentor,
Altísima gloria y honor.
A la Santa, Santa Trinidad,
Al Dios Eterno alabad;
Al Padre, Cristo y Mentor,
Altísima gloria y honor.
A la santa, santa Trinidad,
Hosanas en los cielos dad;
En tierra cantos de amor,
Eterna gloria y loór.
A la Santa, Santa Trinidad,
Hosanas en los cielos dad;
En tierra cantos de amor,
Eterna gloria y loor.
Al santo, santo trino Dios
Alzad loóres toda voz;
Al santo, santo, sumo Bien;
Adoración sin fin; Amén.
Al Santo, Santo Trino Dios
Alzad loores toda voz;
Al Santo, Santo, Sumo Bien;
Adoración sin fin; Amén.

Table 2. The English translation:

1912 Himnos de SiónProse EnglishPoetic English
Loor á Dios; al Padre dad,
Al Hijo Redentor load,
Y al Espíritu Mentor;
Al Trino Dios, eterno loor.
Praise to God; to the Father give,
To the Redeemer Son give praise,
And to the Holy Spirit;
To the Triune God, eternal praise.
Praise to our God, the Father give,
Through the redeeming Son we live,
And for the Holy Spirit’s rays,
To triune God, eternal praise.
A la Santa, Santa Trinidad,
Al Dios Eterno alabad;
Al Padre, Cristo y Mentor,
Altísima gloria y honor.
To the Holy, Holy Trinity,
Praise the Eternal God;
To the Father, Christ and Mentor,
Very high glory and honor.
To Holy, Holy Ones, we laud.
Our praise we give, Eternal God;
To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
The highest glory, honor, boast.
A la Santa, Santa Trinidad,
Hosanas en los cielos dad;
En tierra cantos de amor,
Eterna gloria y loor.
To the Holy, Holy Trinity,
Hosannas in heaven give;
On earth, songs of love,
Eternal glory and praise.
To Holy, Holy, Holy God,
Hosannas in the Heavens laud;
On earth we sing our songs of love,
Eternal glory, praise above!
Al Santo, Santo Trino Dios
Alzad loores toda voz;
Al Santo, Santo, Sumo Bien;
Adoración sin fin; Amén.
To the Holy, Holy Triune God
Give praise, all voices;
To the Holy, Holy, Supreme Good;
Endless adoration; Amen.
To Holy, Holy Triune God, 
Sing praise all voices near, abroad,
To Holy Source of all good things;
Adore the great eternal Beings.

Published Music

Neither edition of the hymn gives an indication of the tune to which it was sung, however, the text and meter leans very heavily towards use with Old 100th.

And here is the English rendition:


3 responses to “Doxologías”

  1. ideasnstuff

    Fascinating to see a reference to the “triune God” in an LDS hymn!

  2. I like the idea of additional verses for “Praise God from whom all blessings flow.” It’s a nice hymn, just much too short (except for that one Sunday when the last speaker goes 10 minutes over).

  3. Chad Nielsen

    ideasnstuff, yeah, I thought that was interesting too. I don’t know if Richardson was working from a base text that used that, whether he didn’t know other words to describe the Godhead in Spanish, whether he was pushed into it by the meter and rhyming scheme, or whether he was trying to write something more compatible with other Christian denominations.

    Jonathan, I agree. I think it makes the hymn more usable – we don’t include a doxology in our worship services in the same way as some denominations, so it feels a bit out of place in our hymnal as short as it is. Likewise, I feel like it was a huge missed opportunity with “A Mighty Fortress” to only use half a verse in our hymnbook and then use poetic spark notes for the second half of that one verse rather than using the full set of verses that have been written.