“Digno es de todo loor” by Edmund Richardson is another effort by Richardson to address the Latter-day Saint understanding of the Godhead in a hymn (the other example being Doxologías).
Note: This is a part of an ongoing series, the Mexico Mission Hymns Project.
Edmund Richardson
Hymn Text
Table 1. Variations in text of “Digno es de todo loor” over the course of Church publications.
1907 Himnario Mormón | 1912 Himnos de Sión |
Digno es de todo loór, Nuestro Dios eterno, Padre, Hijo y Mentor, Trino y Supremo. | Digno es de todo loor, Nuestro Dios Eterno, Padre, Hijo y Mentor, Trino y Supremo. |
Uno en su majestad, Trino en sus obras; Uno en su caridad, Que se da á sobras. | Cuando es su majestad, Trino en sus obras; Uno en su caridad, Que se da á sobras. |
Se revelen hoy al fiel Cual en otros siglos; Si con fé les busca, él Verá no son vestiglos. | Se revelen hoy al fiel Cual en otros siglos; Si con fe les busca, él Verá no son vestiglos. |
Son el Dios de la razón, Sin misterios tristes; Buscan vía el corazón, Abre, no resistes. | Son el Dios de la razón, Sin misterios tristes; Buscan vía el corazón, Abre, no resistes. |
Table 2. English translation of “Digno es de todo loor.”
1912 Himnos de Sión | Prose English | Poetic English |
Digno es de todo loor, Nuestro Dios Eterno, Padre, Hijo y Mentor, Trino y Supremo. | Worthy of all praise, Our Eternal God, Father, Son and Mentor, Triune and Supreme. | Worthy of all praise we give, Our Eternal Godhead, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost Triune and Supreme Head. |
Cuando es su majestad, Trino en sus obras; Uno en su caridad, Que se da á sobras. | When is the majesty of Him, Triune in his works; One in charity of Him, That he gives himself in abundance. | Great is Their vast majesty, Three in roles that they have; One in charity of Him Who gave His life to save. |
Se revelen hoy al fiel Cual en otros siglos; Si con fe les busca, él Verá no son vestiglos. | They reveal today to the faithful The same as in other centuries; If he looks for them with faith, he He will see they are not relics. | They reveal to faithful ones Their selves like times past; Those who search in faith for Them, Shall see that God still lasts. |
Son el Dios de la razón, Sin misterios tristes; Buscan vía el corazón, Abre, no resistes. | They are the God of reason, No sad mysteries; They look via the heart, Open yourself, do not resist. | They are God of reason, thought: No sad mysteries taught; They do seek to reach the heart, Open yours, resist not. |
New Music
Neither edition of the hymn text gives any indication of tunes to which it might have been sung. Here is my original music for the text:

And here it is with the English translation: