Category: Latter-day Saint Thought

  • Chance in Creation

    The most recent lesson in the Wilford Woodruff manual contains a quote from a general conference sermon given by Woodruff on April 6, 1872: The Lord never created this world at random; he has never done any of his work at random. The earth was created for certain purposes; and one of these purposes was…

  • Sometimes a Cigar is Just a Cigar

    So here is the case for thinking that when the crowd outside of Lot’s house asks to know Lot’s guests (Genesis 19:5) that what it means is just, like, know and not, you know, like, know.

  • Mark 14:3-9: The Anointing at Bethany as Markan Christology

    This [very, very, very long] post is, basically, my masters thesis. I’ve had a few requests for it, so I thought I’d post it.

  • Is Poverty Satanic?

    One of the most important scriptural texts for the theological consideration of poverty is to be found in Alma 32. This chapter discusses Alma’s mission to the Zoramites. During a sermon on the hill Onidah, Alma is approached by a group of impoverished individuals who were “poor in heart, because of their poverty as to…

  • On the Brilliance of Hollow Slogans

    Last week, a bizarre demand was thrust on me by a flier advertising a leadership training program: “BECOME YOURSELF!” the photocopied handout vigorously proclaimed. Who, I wondered, does this flier suppose that I am being right now? Obviously not J. Nelson-Seawright; otherwise, there would be no reason to request that I become J. N-S, would…

  • Hermeneutics

    That’s a 25 cent word if there ever was one, something for college kids to show Mom and Dad to prove they got something for their money, something a grad student to lord it over others with in the commons.

  • Authority on Her Head

    When Paul says that women should cover their heads, is he subjugating them or liberating them?

  • Dear Jane

    Dear Jane, I don’t know you—at least I don’t think I do—but I have been struck by your willingness to speak openly and honestly about your situation. My Sikh friends speak of “seekers.” You are genuinely a seeker and, so, a person deserving of respect, including the respect of response. However, I haven’t had anything…

  • Deny Not the Gifts of God

    I think Terryl Givens was right. I think a primary purpose of the Book of Mormon is to drive each of us toward real dialogue with the living God. And I think Moroni is right – that if we as Mormons are not experiencing some kind of regular dialogue with God we are denying the…

  • The Pious Bias

    Perhaps we’ve put white hats on some people in the scriptures who don’t deserve them.

  • An Interview with Todd Compton

    Independent scholar Todd Compton is the author of the much acclaimed volume In Sacred Loneliness: The Plural Wives of Joseph Smith (hereafter, ISL) and three forthcoming books: Victim of The Muses: Poet as Scapegoat, Warrior and Hero in Greco-Roman and Indo-European Myth and History (Harvard University Press), Fire and the Sword: A History Of The…

  • Book of the Mormons

    OK, you finished it, or got close. Maybe you were done months ago, maybe you read 100 pages in the last day.*

  • Book Review: Early Christians in Disarray

    Can you really understand what the Restoration is if you don’t have your mind around what the Great Apostasy was?

  • The December 1925 Improvement Era

    Let’s flip through a church magazine that’s nearly a century old. The pages are slightly yellowed; there are a few stains on the cover and the staples are rusting.

  • RSR: Walter van Beek on Joseph Smith

    [This review has been provided by special arrangement to Times and Seasons by Walter E. A. van Beek, an anthropologist and scholar of religion and culture at the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands.] O Lord; thou art stronger than I, and hast prevailed; I am in derison daily, everyone mocketh me. Jeremiah 20:7.

  • RSR: The Politics and Personality of a Prophet

    For many good reasons, Joseph Smith has always been the least known and the most speculated about of all the prophets of this dispensation.

  • RSR reviews collected

    With four excellent reviews here on T&S, as well as other discussions around the bloggernacle, you may think you’re covered as far as initial responses to Rough Stone Rolling.

  • Merry Christmas

    and happy holidays.

  • RSR: What Hath Bushman Wrought?

    Richard Bushman has written a fabulous book, and in so doing he tells us a great deal about the limits and possibilities of Mormon studies.

  • Richard Bushman Responds: 12Q on RSR

    Richard Bushman was gracious enough to respond to twelve questions about Rough Stone Rolling.

  • Rough Stone Rolls Into Times and Seasons

    Since its release, Richard Bushman’s Rough Stone Rolling has been the subject of conference sessions, media reports, bloggernacle essays and academic conversations far and wide. Seeking to engage Bushman in a sustained and interactive conversation about this compelling new biography of Joseph Smith, we are pleased to announce a symposium running this week at Times…

  • BYU and the Advancement of Mormon Studies

    Should up-and-coming Mormon scholars go to work at BYU, if they are interested in doing some of their work in Mormon Studies? I can think of a few young and mobile people a lot of us would like to see teaching there. But there are pros and cons.

  • Theology and Idolatry

    Let me present a sketch–though only a sketch and a very broad one at that–of how one might think about theology, both about a problem with it and one of the possible responses to that problem.

  • Coffee

    What do we know about the covert life of our members? Take Irma.

  • In the -Hoods: Are Motherhood and Priesthood Equivalent?

    Julie: This dialogue is the outgrowth of a few comments at one of those other blogs that Rosalynde suggested might make an interesting discussion.

  • Thinking about the Trinity

    It is hardly news to this crowd that Mormons don’t accept the traditional understanding of the Godhead, the Trinity.

  • Jerusalem

    Last week Janice and I spent several days in Cornwall, Great Britain, with the BYU students doing London Study Abroad.

  • Supplementing Angels

    A not-so-hypothetical from a reader: Your daughter’s AP English class is using Tony Kushner’s Angels in America as a central part of a semester’s curriculum. You are friends with the teacher and would feel comfortable suggesting that she supplement the Angels module with another book or short story dealing with Mormonism from a different, hopefully…

  • Genesis 38

    “Puzzling.” “Sordid.” “Audacious, provocative, and titillating.” Those descriptors might very well apply to this week’s box office sensation, but that’s not what this post is about. All of these terms (“Sordid” comes from the Institute Manual) were used to describe the tale told in Genesis 38.

  • Did Nephites ride horses?

    In our recent tirades about the obvious evils of deer, it was noted , once again, that some scholars think that the horses mentioned in the Book of Mormon may not have been horses, but another hoofed animal. The common one that lives in the right place is similar to a deer. Unfortunately, such comments…