Category: Bushman Symposium

  • RSR: Walter van Beek on Joseph Smith

    [This review has been provided by special arrangement to Times and Seasons by Walter E. A. van Beek, an anthropologist and scholar of religion and culture at the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands.] O Lord; thou art stronger than I, and hast prevailed; I am in derison daily, everyone mocketh me. Jeremiah 20:7.

  • RSR: The Politics and Personality of a Prophet

    For many good reasons, Joseph Smith has always been the least known and the most speculated about of all the prophets of this dispensation.

  • RSR reviews collected

    With four excellent reviews here on T&S, as well as other discussions around the bloggernacle, you may think you’re covered as far as initial responses to Rough Stone Rolling.

  • RSR: What Hath Bushman Wrought?

    Richard Bushman has written a fabulous book, and in so doing he tells us a great deal about the limits and possibilities of Mormon studies.

  • Richard Bushman Responds: 12Q on RSR

    Richard Bushman was gracious enough to respond to twelve questions about Rough Stone Rolling.

  • Rough Stone Rolls Into Times and Seasons

    Since its release, Richard Bushman’s Rough Stone Rolling has been the subject of conference sessions, media reports, bloggernacle essays and academic conversations far and wide. Seeking to engage Bushman in a sustained and interactive conversation about this compelling new biography of Joseph Smith, we are pleased to announce a symposium running this week at Times…