Category: Lesson Aids
JEF Sunday School Lesson 13
Lesson 13: Exodus 1-3, 5-6, 11-14 Before looking in detail at the scriptures for this week, consider these parallels between the story of Moses’s life and the story of Israel’s experience:
JMS Sunday School Lesson #7
I plan on focusing my lesson on this question: Was Abraham really a historical person or would we do better to understand him as a metaphor for the human condition?
That’s a 25 cent word if there ever was one, something for college kids to show Mom and Dad to prove they got something for their money, something a grad student to lord it over others with in the commons.
JEF Sunday School Lesson #1
Moses 1 For a variety of reasons, including having been heavily involved in BYU’s London Study Abroad program, I’ve been without the time to generate study questions for the Sunday School Lessons.
JEF Sunday School Lesson #1 (Background)
Some Reasons Why Reading the Old Testament Can Be Difficult
JMS Sunday School Lesson #1
[I plan on posting the notes for my Gospel Doctrine lessons this year; I’ll put my initials in the title so that there won’t be any confusion in the sidebar or archives with my lessons and Jim’s.]
Sunday School Lessons
Those who may have been using my notes for Sunday School lessons deserve an explanation, though a late explanation, to be sure.
Sunday School Lesson 38
Lesson 38: Doctrine and Covenants 38:30; 42:30-31, 42; 44:6; 52:40; 56:16-17; 58:26-28; 88:123-125; 104:13-18 I owe an apology to those who have been receiving these by e-mail.
Sunday School Lesson 37
Lesson 37: Doctrine and Covenants 1:38; 20:21-26; 21:1, 4-6; 43:2; 68:3-4; 101:43-54; 107:22, 91-92