Author: Julie M. Smith
Not every scholar agrees (as if!), but some identify the following structure in Matthew’s Gospel:
April 2011 FHEs
Introduction to this series is here. I only prepared three this month in order to leave time for an Easter FHE (one of my favorites is here).
Book Review: God So Loved the World: The Final Days of the Savior’s Life
Eric D. Huntsman, God So Loved the World: The Final Days of the Savior’s Life, Deseret Book, 2011.
Imagine your four favorite meals. Now imagine them cut into bite-sized pieces and combined into one dish.
The Greek word translated as “parable” means, basically, a comparison. A parable compares one thing with another.
Polygamy, Again
The real reason that polygamy was restored was to decrease the number of children each woman would have, which was necessary in order to
The Failure that Was a Success: How My Son’s Losing the Spelling Bee Was One of the Proudest Moments of My Life
A guest post from former guest blogger Eric Huntsman:
Reactions to Single, Female, Mormon, Alone
So this column was definitely the digital equivalent of kicking over an anthill.
Mormon Identity: Men and Women in the Church
Go here and either listen to or read (I love transcripts! Thank you!) this episode and then return and report.
It’s That Time Again
The time when it feels like I spend most of Gospel Doctrine translating the scriptures into modern English instead of actually teaching them.
Goodbye Satan, Hello World
I don’t have any statistics for you, just a hunch that we now usually say “the world” where twenty or more years ago we would have said “Satan” or “the devil.”
Kids, Conference
I used to worry that my kids weren’t listening to a word of General Conference. Now I worry that my kids are listening to every single word of General Conference.
The Limits of Orthodoxy
Apparently, you can’t say polygamy was not God’s will. But you can say that a male-only priesthood is not God’s will. Go figure.
Mormon Studies on Your eReader
I got a Kindle a few weeks ago, and my affection for it is quickly approaching idolatry. But we aren’t going to talk about that right now; we’re going to talk about how to Mormon-Studies-geek out your ereader. Here’s what I have found so far; I expect you to add to the fun.
A New New Testament
I probably shouldn’t tell you this, but on more than one occasion, I have seriously considered stealing scriptures from the temple.
Eye Single
A dear friend–who is a single, never-married, 40-something, extremely faithful LDS woman–emailed this to a few friends. I share it with her permission, having edited out identifying information: