Author: Julie M. Smith
On Not Skimming Isaiah
I know as soon as you hear the phrase “cedars of Lebanon,” your eyes glaze over.
BMGD #4: 1 Nephi 12-14
Note that I will not be posting notes for lesson #5; I’m taking the week off. (Notes for lesson #6 should be right on schedule, however.) Also note that when I teach this, I plan on covering 1 Nephi 11-15, since I think it makes more sense to treat Nephi’s vision in its entirety and…
BMGD #3: 1 Nephi 8-11; 12:16-18; 15
This isn’t a lesson; it is the notes from which I will prepare a lesson.
BMGD #2: 1 Nephi 1-7
Again, this isn’t a lesson. It is the notes from which I will prepare a lesson. Sorry it is so long. (The rabbit trail of the week was related to the killing of Laban, but I don’t plan on discussing that with my class.)
BMGD #1: Introduction
These are the notes from which I will create my Sunday School lesson. It is not a Sunday School lesson, unless your ward has Sunday School for five hours and a high tolerance for rabbit trails that happened to catch my interest.
Mormons in the US: A New Study
You can read the study itself here or a summary of it in the DN here.
Now, Even Stronger Youth!
The Church announced that it has released a revised Strength of Youth pamphlet.
Book Review: Good Tidings of Great Joy
Eric D. Huntsman, Good Tidings of Great Joy, October 2011, Deseret Book, 166 pages.
Book Review: Parley P. Pratt: The Apostle Paul of Mormonism
Terryl L. Givens and Matthew J. Grow, Parley P. Pratt: The Apostle Paul of Mormonism, Oxford University Press, October 2011, 521 pages.
Congratulations Craig and Jana
Publishers Weekly announced their list of the top ten religion books for 2011 recently.
A Prophet Occupies Wall Street
This from then-member of the Quorum of the Twelve Spencer W. Kimball in the October 1953 General Conference:
President Monson on 9/11
The Washington post’s On Faith blog has a piece from President Monson responding to the question, “What have we learned about religion in the past 10 years? What was the spiritual impact of 9/11?”
In Which My Opinion of Mitch Mayne Improves
Every once in awhile, I read or hear something that just zings.
A Review of Grant Hardy’s Understanding the Book of Mormon
In On the Road with Joseph Smith: An Author’s Diary, we get a fascinating peek into Richard Bushman’s psyche during the time immediately after the publication of his monumental work, Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling.
The Tongues of Mortals
There’s a sidebar called “The Poetic Language of the King James Bible” in the August 2011 Ensign.
Grant Hardy at Meridian
So I haven’t exactly been a fan of Meridian, but lately they have been running some very innovative stuff from Grant Hardy; see here and here. And I suppose you can discuss his essays in the comments here, if you play nice.
A Celestial Education?
Michelle Stone’s “Celestial Education” philosophy is seriously misguided and theologically dangerous.
Stop Telling the YW to Be Modest for the YM
The emphasis here is on for the YM, not to be modest. In fact, most of you would consider me to be ultra-conservative in the modesty department:
So apparently some people think the world is ending tomorrow, based on an analysis of some numbers used in the Bible.