Author: Julie M. Smith
The Next Generation’s Faith Crisis
Let me share a friend’s story; it won’t be new to you. He was raised in the church, did all the things, went on a mission, blah blah blah, and in his 30s, heard for the first time that Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon by looking at a stone in a hat.
New BYU Religious Ed and CES Curriculum
According to this letter posted on William Hamblin’s blog, big changes are afoot.
New Polygamy Essays
Read them here, here, and here. I’ll leave the squabbling over whether they fairly represented the historical situation to those who get paid the big bucks to consider those questions and instead look at a tangential issue: how they depict the way that prophets receive revelation.
Meeting the Mormons
Imagine that the Meet the Mormons movie was made any time between, say, 1940 and 1990. I think we know almost exactly what it would have looked like:
Do Women Count?
Here are the words that President Uchtdorf used in his talk at the General Women’s Meeting: I am honored to have this opportunity to be with you as we open another general conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In the coming week the First Presidency and the Twelve Apostles will…
Five Things I Liked from General Conference
Note that I did a separate post on the General Women’s Meeting here and posted notes from the Saturday afternoon session here. Some things I liked from conference:
Who Likes Deseret Book?
If you are a Bloggernacle regular, probably not you. You most likely have little sympathy for their fluffy books and a whole heap of disdain for their other kitschy products.
General Women’s Meeting
It is my nature to be cynical and critical and to focus on flaws, so when I tell you that the General Women’s Meeting was nearly perfect, that’s really saying something.
What to Expect When You Are Expecting . . . A Bishopric Call
So a dear friend of mine[1] just got called to a new bishopric and wants to know the known knowns, the known unknowns, and, of course, the unknown unknowns[2].
Elder Ballard: “Don’t Talk Too Much”
Today Elder Ballard spoke at the Europe Area Sisters’ Meeting. (Yes, the same meeting with the poster flap.) You can see the video here.
Book Review: The Crucible of Doubt
Terryl and Fiona Givens, The Crucible of Doubt, Deseret Book, 145 pages.
The Problem with Local Change
Imagine that everything in the church is precisely the way that it is now with two exceptions:
Book Review: The Miracles of Jesus
Eric D. Huntsman, The Miracles of Jesus, Deseret Book, 164 pages.
Book Review: Way Below the Angels
Craig Harline, Way Below the Angels: The Pretty Clearly Troubled but Not Even Close to Tragic Confessions of a Real Live Mormon Missionary This may be the most painful book I have ever read.
Book Review: A Song for Issy Bradley by Carys Bray
How much did I like this book? So much that I do not regret the night of sleep that I lost to my inability to put it down. (That has literally never happened to me before. I always hate myself in the morning.)
Performing Mark
It would seem that when a text is nearly two thousand years old, there might not be a whole lot new to say about it. But this isn’t the case for the Gospel of Mark.
Re-reading Job by Michael Austin
Michael Austin, Re-reading Job: Understanding the Ancient World’s Greatest Poem
Death and How to Live It
I recently spent time in London with the Mormon Theology Seminar. Most of our days were occupied with work, but we had a little time to play tourist. I did all of the things that a first-time visitor to London is supposed to do:
David F. Holland on Women in the Church
There is no shortage of interviews, essays, rants, and diatribes that you can read on the topic of women in the LDS Church generally or on Kate Kelly’s excommunication specifically.
Another (Partial) Response to Brother Otterson
As I indicated in my last post, I am very, very happy with this response from Brother Otterson, for two reasons:
A (Partial) Response to Brother Otterson
There is a lot that could be said about Michael Otterson’s recent open letter. I think it does a lot to heal the immense pain and anger that many people—especially those who do not support Ordain Women–have felt in recent weeks as a result of how Church PR has (mis)handled Ordain Women. So thank you, Brother…
What You Hear
A friend of mine shared the following with me. With her permission (and with some details scrambled for privacy) I share it with you; I thought her insights into the practical reality and consequences of being single in the Church are profound.
A (Funny) Ghost Story
Jesus walks on the water and intends to “pass by” his disciples. What’s going on here?