Author: Julie M. Smith
Genealogy and Genetics
BYU took advantage of me at a time in my life when I would have done almost anything for 10$.
More on Jesus’ Genealogy
I posted previously on the women in Jesus’ genealogy but wanted to invite discussion on some other aspects of it.
Primary Lesson Supplements 20-24
I’ve been distributing weekly lesson supplements to our senior Primary teachers; I figured I might as well post them here. “Those might be of some use,” as my four-year-old would say. You can also use these ideas for FHE, Sharing Time, etc.
Tempted to Violate the Word of Wisdom
When we think of temptations related to the Word of Wisdom, we usually think of, you know, being tempted to violate the WoW. But I can think of a few different WoW-related temptations.
“Well, yes, actually, there is.”
That’s not the answer you expect when you toss out the standard home/visiting teaching line asking if there is anything you can do to help your teachee.
Lots of Questions for Greg Whiteley
“Probably the only people who are more lonely in an LDS ward than musicians who used to be almost-famous are filmmakers who never were”–Greg Whiteley, director of New York Doll.
Motherhood and Priesthood–Take 57!
I think that motherhood and priesthood are parallel; I know that many of you don’t. And one argument against my position that I see frequently is that you need the cooperation of the opposite sex (not to mention the blessing of fertility) to be a mother but not to be a priesthood holder. I’ve never…
The Life and Times of Carol Armga
I’ll introduce our newest guest blogger by letting her introduce herself.
A Primary Primer
I haven’t been in Primary very long, but it has been long enough to notice this: most adults could benefit from a few simple ideas that will make them much, much better at teaching a group of children.
The KJV: A Sealed Book?
I’ve been teaching the second half of the Old Testament in Institute this semester. The KJV is a terrible obstacle to understanding the scriptures.
An Interview with Valerie Hudson
BYU Political Science professor Valerie Hudson has been in the news lately as a result of her new book, Bare Branches.
An Open Letter to BYU Students
On Tuesday, gay rights activists will, according to news reports, hold a rally on or near the BYU campus. How might you respond to this?
The Uses of Adversity
The late Carlfred Broderick was a professor of Marriage and Family Therapy at USC as well as a Stake President. He may have been one of the most profound–not to mention funny–LDS thinkers of his generation.
Hidden Treasures
I just finished reading Mormon Lives: A Year in the Elkton Ward and–wow–what an amazing book. It reminds me of Saints Well Seasoned: Musings on How Food Nourishes Us–Body Heart, and Soul. Not only were both books quirky little takes on Mormonism, but neither seems to be very well known. What LDS titles do you…
Book Review: Celebrating Passover: A Guide to Understanding the Jewish Feast for Latter-day Saints
Easter celebrations and the lack thereof have been a hot topic recently; if you want to add something to your celebration of this season, I highly recommend this book.
An Easter Activity for Family Home Evening
I can’t take credit for this idea–these are sometimes called Resurrection Eggs and they’ve been around for a few years.
Black Comedy
So maybe I missed something, but I’m pretty sure that one genre the Saints haven’t touched is black comedy. I’m not much of a narrative writer, though, so think of the following as sitting on little scraps of paper on a rickety table in my front yard with a hand-lettered cardboard sign next to them…
Cheryl White: A Photo Essay
Cheryl White, an amazing artist who lives in Central Texas, was kind enough to open her home and studio to me (and my three rambunctious boys) for a tour last week. This is what we saw.
How to Teach a Scripture Passage
Here’s a systematic approach to preparing a lesson on a passage of scripture.
An Interview with Jared Ludlow
Jared Ludlow has been at BYU-Hawaii since 2000 and is an assistant professor in the History and Religion Departments. He earned his PhD in a joint program in Near Eastern Religions from the University of California-Berkeley and the Graduate Theological Union. He is the author of Abraham Meets Death: Narrative Humor in the Testament of…
Book Review: Stand As a Witness: The Biography of Ardeth Greene Kapp
We begin with a quiz: How many book-length biographies of LDS women can you name? . . .
Book Review: The Salt Lake City 14th Ward Album Quilt
In the 1990s, Carol Nielson inherited a quilt. Or, to be more precise, half a quilt. . .