Author: Julie M. Smith
The Conversation in My Head
You’re being greedy. You’re acting like Madame Blueberry before she gets religion.
Ward Shopping
We’re in the market for a new house. (If you want a home in North Austin that looks as if a pack of large dogs instead of a pack of small boys had been living in it for the past five years, please email me.)
RIP: Teacher Improvement
Well, apparently the Teacher Improvement Coordinator and Teacher Improvement Meeting are no more.
What the Smith Boys Said This Year
For previous installments, see here and here. Simon turned eight, Nathan turned five, and Truman turned two this year.
In which our heroine is forced to confront her own hypocrisy
So if a friend said to me, “What do you think about that Mormon prophet who got arrested for polygamy?”
The Happiest Wives
According to a study done by two sociology profs at the University of Virginia, the following are most closely correlated with happiness of wives:
Welcome, Marjorie Conder
We are very pleased to have Marj Conder guest blogging for us for the next few weeks.
A Milestone
Today is the first time I’ve seen advertising directed at Mormons that didn’t scream ‘priestcraft.’
What If The Woman Taken In Adultery . . . Wasn’t?
In the abstract, there are three possibilities: she was guilty, she was innocent, or she was raped.
Gender Pairs in Luke’s Gospel
When two very similar stories–very similiar, that is, except that one is about a man and another is about a woman–are found in a Gospel, they are called a gender pair. While gender pairs occur in all the gospels, they are particularly prominent in Luke:
Book Review: Jesus Christ and the World of the New Testament
It looks like a coffee table book but it reads like top-notch scholarship. . . .
Ye Have the Poor with You Always
In a discussion at the ExII blog on the Church’s recent decision renovate downtown Salt Lake, a commenter named Dave justified his support of the Church’s position this way:
Temples and Leprous Houses
Upon seeing this title, my husband asked, “Was that the ancient Hebrew equivalent of Better Homes and Gardens?”