Author: Julie M. Smith
What would happen if there was no question in the temple recommend interview about the Word of Wisdom–but there was one about home and visiting teaching?
Guest Post: The Apostles’ Creed and the Book of Mormon
This post was written by Bryan Stout; his biography appears at the end of the post.
Elder Busche on Women and Priesthood
When F. Enzio Busche was a temple president, he was once asked by a priesthood leader “when [he] thought the Church would receive revelation giving the priesthood to women.”
Losing my Religion
I did grad work in biblical studies in Berkeley in the 90s, which means that the Documentary Hypothesis was one of the unquestioned tenets of my faith.
The Limits of Tolerance
I suppose that I can support the legalization of polygamy with certain specific limitations.
Interview with Elder Christofferson
Read it here. (HT: BCC) Lots of hot topics: polygamy, women and the priesthood, evolution, Romney, etc. Discuss.
How to Dissent Like a General Authority
I’m gonna steal BCC’s idea going to contribute to the fine discussions of the lifting of the priesthood ban with a few thoughts on what we might learn from some responses to the ban.
What Women Need
In the article announcing the new Relief Society Presidency, the reporter writes that President Beck’s “primary concerns are the lack of self-worth and sense of identity that plague too many women, she said, adding that Relief Society functions under inspired leadership and can help counter such feelings.”
A Three Month Supply?
I suspect that a change has been made to the counsel regarding food storage. See here.
Love and Marriage
There’s an interesting article in the Deseret News about the trend of delayed marriage among LDS singles. Thoughts?
Cheney at BYU
BYU’s speaker policy: “No speaker will be invited to campus whose expression of personal or political values would demean the principles of BYU and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.”
A Little Humor
These church bulletin bloopers have been making the rounds; on the off chance you haven’t seen them yet:
Random Thoughts on the Leadership Training Meeting
Last month’s Worldwide Leadership Training Meeting is now available online here.
From the Archives: The Talk I’ve Never Given
From March 2004 to February 2007 is approximately 10,000 blogyears.