Author: Julie M. Smith
The Accidental Environmentalist
I never really set out to be environmentally conscious–not that I don’t like the idea, of course, just that other priorities . . . well, took priority.
Mormon Theology Seminar Podcasts
Podcasts from the seminars sponsored by the Mormon Theology Seminar are now available online.
LDS Readings of Revelation 21-22
The Mormon Theology Seminar is beginning a seminar on Revelation 21-22.
DIY Mormon Art
Step One: Be nice to Ardis so that she’ll send you high-resolution files of art that you have fallen in love with.
Too Easy, Too Soon
This morning I woke up to find my youngest child wearing accurately-buttoned church clothes and eating a hot breakfast that he had made without help. He might as well have handed me a pink slip.
Thank you, Valerie Hudson
For the first time ever, I’ve read a defense of the anti-same-sex-marriage movement that didn’t make me cringe. HT: Nate Oman.
FHE: Proverbs 15:1
I’m taking a break from the Gospel Fundamentals FHEs this week; if you’re really clever, you’ll be able to reverse engineer what kind of problems are plaguing the Smith household this week.
I’m taking a break from the Gospel Fundamentals FHEs to do an Easter FHE next week and I’m posting this early because it requires a little prep work.
Santa Biblia
A few years ago, as I was waiting for a temple session to begin, I began flipping the pages of the Spanish language Bible in front of me.
The Problem with the Unwritten Order of Things
Can women offer the opening prayer in sacrament meeting?
FHE Lesson #1
I’ve decided to start a new series of FHE lessons based on the Gospel Fundamentals book.
Provident Living Idea
Since more people are budget-minded these days, I thought I’d begin an occasional series of frugal ideas.
I was intrigued by Adam’s link: “Legitimacy is the most precious resource of the state and should not be frittered away like this.”
The First Annual Times & Seasons Sentence Diagramming Contest
Your challenge: diagram the sacrament prayers.