Author: Julie M. Smith
Call for Papers: BYU Studies Quarterly Special Issue on Evolution
BYU Studies Quarterly will soon publish a special issue “on the thoughtful integration of evolution and faith.”
Book Review: That We May Be One: A Gay Mormon’s Perspective On Faith and Family
When I was in college, in the early 90s, a friend commented that she wished that gays were better treated in church. Another friend asked what that might look like. She responded that she hoped we’d come to a point where someone could say to a ward member, “Please stop trying to set me up…
Certain Women
Last week at General Conference, President Burton delivered a talk titled “Certain Women.”
Rocky Mountain Retreat
I’ll be speaking at the Rocky Mountain Retreat this June. Here’s the description of my presentation:
Guest Post: Before We Make Up Our Minds
Charlie Fuller has a BS in Sociology and an MPA from BYU and works as a management analyst in the public sector. She and her husband live in Utah County. Before we make up our minds about whether or not to allow Middle Eastern refugees into Utah, we need to take a long hard look…
Sometimes History Should Rhyme
This is the immigration record of my great-grandmother, entering Ellis Island from Italy in 1935.
Call for Papers: Faith and Knowledge
Guest Post: Elder Bednar in Rwanda
Kirsten M. Christensen is Associate Professor of German at Pacific Lutheran University, where she directs the Holocaust and Genocide Studies Program.
Book Review: Our Heavenly Family, Our Earthly Families
Our Heavenly Family, Our Earthly Families by McArthur Krishna and Bethany Brady Spalding with artwork by Caitlin Connolly (link)
BYU New Testament Commentary Conference
4th Annual BYU New Testament Commentary Conference: New Mormon Ideas about Mark and Hebrews
A Reaction to the New Leonard Arrington Book
This is not a book review. This is my personal reaction to the book. And, in short, it depressed me. (This doesn’t mean I didn’t love the book and wasn’t fascinated by it; I did and I was. You should definitely read it.)
The Gospels and Rape Culture
Despite the fact that the term rape culture–and the increasing attention devoted to it–are recent developments, that does not mean that the stories of the life of Jesus have nothing to say about the topic. In fact, there is quite a bit of material in the gospels which is relevant to the current discussion.
Keeping Our Boys Safe
As you are probably well aware, BYU is reviewing its policies related to sexual assault victims and Honor Code violations. One proposal which seems to have a good bit of currency–especially since it appears to be the norm at other schools, including SVU, which have similar Honor Codes–is an “amnesty” for offenses which might have…
20th Century LDS Thought on Sexual Assault: Some Context
The Salt Lake Tribune recently published an article called “How outdated Mormon teachings may be aiding and abetting ‘rape culture.’” While I am also concerned about ways in which Mormon culture may encourage rape culture (see here and here and here), I want to push back against one portion of the article.
Teacher Development Developments
I stumbled upon this manual, a new teacher development guide released by the church. It is quite similar to previous iterations of the church’s teacher materials, with two significant differences:
The Best Kept Secret in the Church
This pamphlet contains advice about adjusting to missionary life. And while I am sure it would be particularly helpful for missionaries, it covers things everyone needs to know. It is humane and gentle, based in gospel principles, and reflects sound thinking about mental health.
Guest Post: Returning Early with Honor
This guest post was written by Lauren Baldwin, based on the paper she presented at the recent Association for Mormon Letters conference. Lauren is a professional writing student at BYU-I. After the 2012 mission age change, she was part of the first group of nineteen-year-old sister missionaries to serve in the Kentucky Louisville Mission. She works…
By Study and Faith, Part I
Elder Ballard recently spoke to seminary and institute teachers in what I expect will be regarded as a landmark address.
I love the many ways the church has recently bucked anti-refugee sentiment and worked to help refugees. See here, here, here, here, here, and now here.
BYU NT Commentary Summer Seminar
We are accepting application for the second annual BYU New Testament Commentary Series Summer Seminar, to be held for the four weeks of July 5 to July 29, 2016, on BYU Campus, Provo, Utah. The deadline for applications is March 31, 2016. The seminar is open to graduate students and recent PhDs who have research…
Proof-Texting in the December YW Lessons
Ezekiel delivered the longest single prophecy, the longest single allegory, in the Bible in what is now Ezekiel 16. His theme is that Jerusalem has acted like a prostitute. He presses his case for 63 verses!
A Rhetoric of Indirection
I remember watching the Olympics when I was in high school and concluding that the swimmers had the best-looking bodies of all of the athletes. Not scarily gaunt like the runners, not comically and grotesquely bulging like the weight lifters, not the stunted look of the gymnasts.
Call for Papers: Mormon Scholars in the Humanities
I’m passing this along from MSH President Jenny Webb:
YW Lesson: Why Is It Important for Me to Gain an Education and Develop Skills?
Here’s how I taught this lesson in my ward:
Consequences, Intended or Otherwise, in Light of the Update
A few days ago, after the new policies were leaked but before the First Presidency clarified them, I posted a list of possible consequences of the policies here. This post reproduces my list, crossing out those scenarios no longer possible in light of the First Presidency letter. I also made some updates (in bold print).…
Consequences, Intended or Otherwise
UPDATE: this post was written before the First Presidency clarified the new policies. Please see this post, which repeats everything in this post but updates it and provides some concluding thoughts. — I’m thinking about the implications–doctrinal and practical and cultural–of the recent policy changes.