I had heard that this was on the horizon, but now it’s free for everybody (well, 3 videos a month). You can upload a YouTube video and not only have it create a translation, but it is more or less in the voice of the individual, and the lips are synced so that it actually looks like they’re saying the words. I know that the Church is rightfully careful about the uses of AI, but the potential for this in the future is obvious. “For it shall come to pass in that day, that every man shall hear the fulness of the gospel in his own tongue, and in his own language,”
5 responses to “President Oaks Now Speaks Tamil, and Elder Bednar Now Speaks Spanish”
“President Oaks in Spanish” is close to an optimal use case, for about 3 reasons:
– Single speaker, excellent audio quality (more speakers and lower quality increase the chances of bad things happening)
– Tons of pre-existing English Spanish machine translation training (Tamil MT probably won’t reach the same quality)
– A sponsoring organization with a capable translation and media department to check the automated transcription and translation (because sometimes bad things still happen)
Who is Elder Bender?
Dang autocorrect. Will fix when I get to a computer. Thanks!
Leave it at ‘Elder Bender’ – that has a Futurama ring to it.
How fitting that this article should start with a computer getting content wrong. :)
(Just to reinforce Jonathan’s third point.)