“El Tiempo Ha Llegado” and “Te glorificamos, oh Dios”

There were two hymn texts in the Mexican Mission hymnals that I wasn’t really sure what to do with: “El Tiempo Ha Llegado” and “Te glorificamos, oh Dios.”

Note: This is a part of an ongoing series, the Mexico Mission Hymns Project

El Tiempo Ha Llegado

Written by Ramón Garcías, “El tiempo ha llegado” was published in two editions of the Mexican Mission hymnal, but neither version gave an indication of tune to which it should be sung. Making matters more complicated, the first half of the verses have a regular meter ( while the second half are all over the place for syllable lengths. I suspect Garcías had a tune in mind while writing, but didn’t have that included in the hymnal. Because of these complications, I did not produce a poetic translation or music to accompany this hymn.

El Tiempo Ha Llegado

Ramón Garcías

No tune given

Irregular Meter

Hymn Text

1907 Spanish1912 SpanishEnglish Prose
El tiempo ha llegado,
   Según la predicción;
Jesús ha principiado
   Ya la restauración.
Id ligeros mensajeros
   Con vuestra red á pescar,
A aquellos perdidos pueblos,
   A gente harta de esperar.
Entonad vuestras canciones,
   Levantad vuestro perdón,
Y decid á las naciones,
   “Vamos al Monte de Sión.”
El tiempo ha llegado,
   Según la predicción;
Jesús ha principiado
   Ya la restauración.
Id ligeros mensajeros
   Con vuestra red á pescar,
A aquellos perdidos pueblos,
   A gente harta de esperar.
Entonad vuestras canciones,
   Levantad vuestro perdón,
Y decid á las naciones,
   “Vamos al Monte de Sión.”
The time has come,
   According to the prediction;
Jesus has begun
   Already the restoration.
Go messengers of light
   With your net to fish,
To those lost towns,
   To people tired of waiting.
Sing your songs,
   Lift your forgiveness,
And tell the nations,
   “We are going to Mount Zion.”
Levántense los pueblos,
   Despiértes Israel;
Recuerde del concierto
   Que Dios hizo con él.
Todo se viene cumpliendo
   Como Jesús lo anunció.
El Evangelio del Reino
   Ya de nuevo se mostró;
Recibe á mis mensajeros
   Con todo tu corazón,
A los que vienen diciendo:
   “Vamos al Monte de Sión.”
Levántense los pueblos,
   Despiértes Israel;
Recuerde del concierto
   Que hizo Dios con él.
Todo se viene cumpliendo
   Como Jesús lo anunció.
El Evangelio del Reino,
   Ya de nuevo se mostró;
Recibe á mis mensajeros
   Con todo tu corazón,
A los que vienen diciendo:
   “Vamos al Monte de Sión.”
Rise up the towns,
   Wake up Israel;
Remember the concert
   What did God do with him?
Everything has been fulfilled
   As Jesus announced.
The Gospel of the Kingdom,
   He showed himself again;
Receive my messengers
   With all your heart,
To those who are saying:
   “We are going to Mount Zion.”
El Cerro de Cumorra
   Es para el pecador,
Un sitio dó la gloria,
   Mostrara el Redentor.
Donde guardó los anales
   Destinados para él,
Moroni como señales
   Para el pueblo de Israel.
Alegrate, pueblo mío,
   Prorrumpe en santa canción,
Pronto serás congregado,
   Y llevado al Monte de Sión.
El Cerro de Cumorra
   Es para el pecador,
Un sito do la gloria,
   Mostrara el Redentor.
Donde guardó los anales
   Destinados para él,
Moroni, como señales
   Para el pueblo de Israel.
Alégrate, pueblo mío,
   Prorrumpe en santa canción,
Pronto serás congregado,
   Y llevado al Monte de Sión.
The Hill of Cumorra
   Is for the sinner,
A site of Glory,
   It will show the Redeemer.
Where he kept the annals
   Intended for him,
Moroni, as signs    
   For the people of Israel.
Rejoice, my people,
   Break in holy song,
Soon you will be gathered,
   And taken to Mount Zion.

Te glorificamos, oh Dios

Marion Beck Naegle (1881–1974) translated twelve hymns into Spanish for the Latter-day Saint hymnbooks in Mexico, including “The Spirit of God,” “Praise to the Man,” and “How Great the Wisdom and the Love.” Marion also wrote the lyrics to “Te glorificamos, oh Dios,” which was included in the 1907 and 1912 hymnals. Born in Toquerville, Utah, Marion had moved to a colony in Oaxaca, in Sonora, Mexico by 1903, which was likely his base of operations for the translation and writing of hymns in Spanish.

The text of “Te glorificamos, oh Dios” indicates that it was intended to be sung to Songs of Zion, No. 172, which was “The Red, White, and Blue” or “Columbia” (the tune used for “Up Awake Ye Defenders of Zion” in the 1985 English hymnal). The lyrics are not, however, a natural fit for that tune in their meter. Due to the irregular meter and lack of correlation to the given tune, I opted to skip out on doing a poetic translation or music for this one as well.

Te glorificamos, oh Dios

Marion B. Naegle

Songs of Zion No. 172

(The Red, White, and Blue / Columbia)

Irregular meter

Hymn Text

1907 Spanish1912 SpanishEnglish Prose
Te glorificamos, ¡oh Dios!,
Del mundo el Creador;
Escucharémos á Tu voz,
Y seguirémos al Pastor.
A Ti darémos honor,
A Ti sea el poder,
A Ti cantarémos loór,
Oh Dios, el Eterna Ser.
Te glorificamos, ¡Oh Dios!
Del mundo el Creador;
Escucharemos á tu voz,
Y seguiremos al Pastor.
A Ti daremos honor,
A Ti sea el poder,
A Ti cantaremos loor;
¡Oh Dios, el Eterna Ser!
We glorify you, O God!
From the world the Creator;
We will listen to your voice
And we will follow the Shepherd.
We will give honor to you,
To you be the power,
To You we will sing praise;
Oh God, the Eternal Being!
Te amamos, ¡oh Señor de paz!
Del mundo el Salvador;
A tus hijos revela Tu faz,
El inspiralos con Tu amor.
Enséñanos las riquezas
Del mundo celestial,
Perdónanos nuestras flaquezas,
Y libranos de todo mal.
Te amamos, ¡Oh Señor de Paz!
Del mundo el Salvador;
A tus hijos revela tu faz,
El inspiralos con tu amor.
Enséñanos las riquezas
Del mundo celestial,
Perdónanos nuestras flaquezas,
Y libranos de todo mal.
We love you, O Lord of Peace!
From the world the Savior;
To your children reveal your face,
He inspires them with your love.
show us the riches
from the heavenly world,
Forgive us our weaknesses,
And deliver us from all evil.
Condiciamos al Consolador,
En toda verdad á guiar;
Guiándonos en el amor,
Lo futuro á revelar.
Escuchad, pues, al susurro,
Y obediencia rendid;
Si la victoria no está segura,
A Dios auxilio pedid.
Condiciamos al Consolador,
En toda verdad á guiar;
Guiándonos en el amor,
Lo futuro á revelar.
Escuchad, pues, al susurro,
Y obediencia rendid;
Si la victoria no está segura,
A Dios auxilio pedid.
We condition the Comforter,
In all truth to guide;
Guiding us in love,
The future to reveal.
Listen, then, to the whisper,
And render obedience;
If victory is not certain,
Ask God for help.