“La Ofrenda” is a sacrament hymn written by José V. Estrada G. It is possible that it was based on “Venid Hermanos En La Fe” by Edmund Richardson or drew inspiration from similar places. It is one of the hymns that was only published in the 1912 edition of the Mexican mission hymnals.
Note: This is a part of an ongoing series, the Mexico Mission Hymns Project.
La Ofrenda
José V. Estrada G.
Latter-day Saint Psalmody no. 223 (“Jesus, mighty King of Zion”) first beat
Since this text was only published in one edition of the hymnal, there are no variations in text.
Table 1. Translation of “La Ofrenda.”
1912 Spanish | English Prose | English Poetic |
Hasta el altar si llegas Con contrito corazón, A dejar allí ofrenda, En el ara de tu Dios; | If you come to the altar With a contrite heart, To leave an offering there, On the altar of your God; | If to Yahweh’s altar you come With a contrite heart and core, To go leave an off’ring thereon, On the altar of our Lord; |
Y si vas arrepentido, Mas aún sin el perdón, Por ofensa inferida, Hacia tu hermano fiel: | And if you go repentant, But even without forgiveness, For inferred offense, Towards your faithful brother: | If you go repentant thereto, But have not forgiveness gained From a colleague in the faith who Has been by your actions pained: |
Pues, no pongas la ofrenda, En altar sagrado tal; Hasta ver si te perdone, El que ofendido fué. | Well, do not put the offering, On such a sacred altar; Until I see if I forgive you, The one who was offended. | Do not put your offering, then, On the sacred altar place: Wait until the one offended Gives you their forgiving grace. |
Si así no lo hicieres, Tu ofrenda no valdrá, Porque estará manchada, Con tu culpa hacia él. | If you do not do this, Your offering will not have worth, Because it will be stained By your guilt towards him. | If you do not do this, then your Offering will have no worth, For it will be stained and sullied By your guilt to them on earth. |
Published Music:
“La Ofrenda” was intended to be sung to the tune used in the Latter-day Saint Psalmody for “Jesus, Mighty King of Zion,” the RAYMOND tune by Joseph J. Daynes.

Here is the English translation with the original tune: