Comments on: New “Official” Church History Volumes Forthcoming Truth Will Prevail Sun, 05 Aug 2018 23:56:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jeff Walsh Thu, 29 Jun 2017 23:24:09 +0000 Clark Goble, It is a little difficult living in the UK to keep up a conversation because of the time difference, especially as I have been attending the temple today. That said I need to try again to make clear why I felt it necessary to join the conversation. I really do care about how our actual history is being portrayed. Ever since I became a member of the Church some 52 years ago I have been engaged in studying the lives of the men who have been called and anointed as Prophets Seers and Revelators and Presidents of the Church. What I have always sought for is truth, backed up by common sense. This is the true Church of Jesus Christ and He is the one leading and conducting the affairs of His Kingdom here on the earth. We have been assured that He will not allow his anointed leader to lead the Church astray. It is not in the programme. Joseph Smith was told by Moroni that his name would be had for good and evil throughout the world. That prophecy is literally being enacted in our time today, and I am convinced that this also includes the men who have followed Joseph as the mouthpiece of the Lord. We as a Church have also to be aware that there has to be opposition in all things. We also need to be aware of the arch deceiver who teaches the philosophies of men mingled with scripture. It has become fashionable over the last decades for some to portray our leaders as fallible men who make mistakes, which mistakes the Lord sometimes allows to continue for many years.

This is why I am anxious that the proposed volumes of Church history is really the true history and not mingled with the philosophies of well meaning historians giving their own opinions, and that this can only be detected if we have footnoted and sourced information.

Northern Virginia, you say that I should be ashamed for believing that it was the Lord’s will that the descendants of Cain be barred from holding the priesthood, and imply that Brigham Young made a mistake because he was racist. Well let me ask you some questions, Did Abraham make a mistake when he recorded that the Pharaoh of Egypt who would fain claim the priesthood because of his lineage from Ham and that he was of the lineage to whom the priesthood was barred.. Did Moses make a mistake by saying that following the golden calf incident he declared that it was the Lord’s will that only the tribe of Levi could hold priesthood, and not the other 11 tribes. Again was Moses showing prejudice when he many times said that the house of Israel should not marry into the Canaanite race. Was the Lord wrong for saying that females could not be ordained to the priesthood. I see no evidence in scripture that the ban placed on Cain and his descendants was ever lifted, until the time came in 1978 when the One who imposed the ban revealed to His anointed leader President Spencer W Kimball that the time had finally arrived that the ban the He imposed was now lifted. Joseph Smith, Brigham Young and other leaders said that the time would come when the priesthood ban would be lifted but it was not in their time. Surely the priesthood that we hold today is the Lord’ priesthood and it is up to His will who and who should not hold it. Following the announcement that the priesthood ban was lifted Elder Bruce R McConkie advised that we should forget everything which had been said in the past should be disregarded concerning the ban. Some have taken his words quoted in the Priesthood topic as proof that the ban was a mistake. A careful reading of the topic makes clear that the Lord had never revealed the REASONS for the ban being imposed not that the ban itself was wrong. Sometime in the future we may have to stand before President Brigham Young and at that time I wonder who will be the one who is ashamed.

By: Clark Goble Thu, 29 Jun 2017 20:21:34 +0000 I think one can ask people that type of question but do so in a nice non-confrontational way. My sense is that there’s a lot of truth in her perspective. As much as I like discussing philosophy, theology, exegesis and history, during church I much prefer practical lessons. One reason why typically I like priesthood lessons best outside of the actual passing of the sacrament.

That said I also think the main reason we have so little information about the next life or theology is precisely because it’s really not motivational. That is there’s little functional reason for God to give us that information. Much of our knowledge of the next life is, I think, to explain problematic issues like judgment in a fashion that is important for our behavior. So the degrees of glory, to the degree much is said about them, is primarily to explain that our works matter and God puts us in a place relative to our character as revealed by our behavior.

With regards to history, I actually think most of it doesn’t matter too much. The parts that matter the most are things that people feel betrayal over if they don’t hear. Things like polygamy in Nauvoo, seer stones other than the Urim & Thummim brought by the angel, treasure seeking by Joseph, etc. So I think there are very functional reasons to discuss those in Sunday School but from a faithful perspective.

By: Northern Virginia Thu, 29 Jun 2017 19:30:13 +0000 jader3rd, you bring up a very good point. That are lots of members who don’t really give a darn about Church history. Going to church makes them feel good, and it doesn’t really matter to them where all this stuff comes from. My gut reaction to that good sister would be ask her why the heck she then wastes her time sitting in church rather than being out doing good, if none of this doctrine actually really matters. Now, I wouldn’t actually say that to her, but when you proclaim to be the only true and living church and that the ordinances you provide will bring salvation and none else, then, in my mind, the truth claims really start to matter.

As you mentioned, many teachers won’t feel very comfortable teaching this. My experience is that no one has brought up anything listed in the Gospel Topics essays in Gospel Doctrine. I would, but the conversation has never really allowed for me to bring it up in an organic way, and I feel like I would be lobbing hand grenades if I did. I’d love to hear the experiences of others in doing so.

By: jader3rd Thu, 29 Jun 2017 15:39:21 +0000 While it has been while, I do remember that I used to hear people in church, commenting on how one of the things that they like about Sunday School, Priesthood and Relief Society, is how the lessons were geared around how members can improve their lives; and not just lessons which felt like trivia; aka knowledge for the sake of knowledge. It’s possible these comments crept up when the current manuals came out. So obviously some people like them, more than what used to exist.
I also remember two Sundays ago in Gospel Doctrine, the lesson was the three degrees of glory, and near the end of the lesson one faithful sister made the comment “I don’t think that we should be studying this. I have confidence that God will make everything okay in the end, so studying this doesn’t do any good.” I can only imagine how she’ll feel when attending lessons, which will feel like history class to her, and not a lesson going over which principles in her life she should be living. If she can feel that correlation approved scriptures aren’t worth studying; history which isn’t comprised of faith promoting anecdotes certainly isn’t going to feel worth while to her.
I imagine that there will be some attempt in these new manuals to have certain lessons\chapters have gospel principle themes, because a lot of members like the fact that they made it out of high school; and don’t want to be attending a class which will feel like knowledge for the sake of knowledge. And there will obviously be teachers who will read the lessons and think “I don’t want to talk about this.” and will out and out not even reference the manual during the lesson.
That being said, I do believe that the pendulum has swung too far, and a little bit of feeling like actual school during Sunday School will overall be a better thing.

By: Clark Goble Thu, 29 Jun 2017 05:34:23 +0000 Jeff, not sure that helps. I don’t know what you mean by true history although I assume you mean something akin to true doctrine. However the scriptures aren’t just a book of Mormon doctrine with each doctrinal point listed with a definition. Things are complex and have to be interpreted. Much of the scriptures are narratives, poems, and images. Some of the scriptures, like Song of Solomon or arguably many parts of the Old Testament, are problematic and corrupted. Even the parts that are given are given line upon line. History, if anything, is even more complex.

I’d second what Old Man said as well. To the point, while the First Presidency approval doesn’t guarantee it’s without error it does mean it carries a lot of weight. People are probably going over this very carefully.

By: Old Man Thu, 29 Jun 2017 05:22:14 +0000 Jeff Walsh,
1. History is not doctrine. Neither is science, various political ideologies or your MD’s medical advice. Doctrine is doctrine.
2. The essays on were approved by the First Presidency. Does not make them doctrine, but it does mean that they recognized the essays as a good-faith effort by some professional historians. They are worth a thoughtful read.
3. The Church does not employ apostates. Okay, the church does not KNOWINGLY employ apostates. There is that weird janitor on the third floor of the Church Office Building…
4. Even devout, highly-educated historians can disagree when it comes to interpretation.
5. Educated Latter-day Saints are fully capable of reading the writings of various historians, drawing their own conclusions and discussing various historical ideas.
6. Reading interpretations of Church history helps fulfill the command to read the best books and obtain a knowledge of history (D&C 88:118; 90:15, 53).
7. I don’t think we should criticize a book until it has been written, published and we have read it.

By: Northern Virginia Thu, 29 Jun 2017 01:49:27 +0000 Yes, Jeff, President Young was dead wrong about the priesthood ban as were thiae who perpetuated it. I still believe those men were called of God. I gather you disagree with me, and to the extent you believe the ban was of God, shame on you.

By: Jeff Walsh Thu, 29 Jun 2017 00:08:58 +0000 OOps I called you Clark Gable sorry

By: Jeff Walsh Thu, 29 Jun 2017 00:06:11 +0000 Clark Gable, are you also Clark? Just to make things clear, TRUE DOCTRINE is contained in the Standard Works of the Church. What I am advocating is that in the proposed 4 volume history which is supposed to be replacing the DHC is really true history and not the opinions of some historians who have axes to grind. There are some who want to portray Joseph Smith, Brigham Young and other early leaders of the Church as weak flawed men who made mistakes and were guilty of leading the Church astray. Of course Joseph freely admits that in his youth he made foolish errors, but to assume that he continued in these weaknesses throughout his life is a travesty. A weak individual could not possibly have endured the persecutions and trials he went through. There are some who want to portray Joseph as an idle layabout who’s only occupation was as a glass looker pretending to discover hidden treasure. Having him translating the Book of Mormon by looking at a stone in his hat, and not using the Urim and Thummim which came with the Gold Plates. Are we to accept as true history recollections of men from second and third hand sources who were not there when the translation took place? Is Brigham Young to be accused of making a mistake in 1852 when he declared that the descendants of Cain could not hold the Priesthood, a mistake by the way the Lord allowed to continue for another 126 years!!!. Or was he declaring the Lord’s will?.

As I have said on several posts if we are being asked to accept the new 4 volume history as true history we need to be able to check the sources of the information so that we can be assured we are not accepting the opinions of those who have ulterior motives. Have I now made my position clear enough.?

By: Clark Goble Wed, 28 Jun 2017 22:46:12 +0000 I think it nonsense to think Joseph should have given exactly the same account over that many years. The differences are well in keeping with first off having different intents in giving ones account but also just the effect of memory.

Again though, I’m still not quite sure what your point is. It seems to me you want things to be fixed and official in a strong sense of ‘TRUE DOCTRINE’ whereas the scriptures and lessons we have don’t pretend to be that in every detail. The four gospels for instance are different, with different focuses, and some contradictions. We’re not inerrant with scripture. It’s good enough for communicating God’s message. So it’s not clear to me what exactly you’re really objecting to.

By: Jeff Walsh Wed, 28 Jun 2017 22:24:38 +0000 Clark, Of course the Joseph Smith History in the PoGP is limited, but the basic understanding of the origins of the restoration is there. Joseph himself tells us in the first verse that he had been induced to write the history to disabuse the public mind which had been influenced by evil-disposed and designing persons. When we study the DHC and read the many sermons that Joseph gave I believe that we are given the true history and the direction that he was receiving from the Lord. When this new history is published we need to be given the sources from where the information comes from and who is giving it. Then we will be able to evaluate the truths of what is being portrayed.

Northern Virginia for instance talks about the four written accounts of the First Vision, The implication from those opposed to the Church quote this and imply that if Joseph had experienced what he claims then he should have given the same story each time. Why do we need to examine these four accounts when the simple information is that he was visited by Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and told that he was to be instrumental in the restoration of the gospel to the earth. By the way the apostle Paul gave three different versions of his vision, are we to apply the same questioning of the validity of his prophetic calling also ?

As far as the Gospel Topics are concerned these, as I understand it, were composed by historians who give their opinions of the topics under discussion. Should they be taken as the official doctrine of the Church? I also question why there has to be so much comment again by historians in the Joseph Smith Papers Project. I thought we were to see everything Joseph Smith wrote or cause to be written why do we have to be influenced by other peoples opinions

By: Northern Virginia Wed, 28 Jun 2017 19:22:35 +0000 Jeff, I second Anonymous on this one. Think about some of the information available in the Gospel Topics essays in regard to Church history. Lots of stuff there that you won’t find in Joseph Smith History, including information about the four known written accounts of the First Vision. I expect what the volumes to feel a bit like an expansion pack of the Church history-focused Gospel Topics

By: Clark Wed, 28 Jun 2017 18:39:12 +0000 Jeff, that seems a false dichotomy. However to recognize that the version in the PoGP is itself limited and shouldn’t be the only word on the subject seems important. That is we have to look at the data. Now how we treat the data will of course vary based upon what we privilege and how we balance accounts. But it almost sounds like you want a kind of scriptural inerrancy to these traditional accounts. Surely there’s a middle ground between critics with an axe to grind and limited accounts.

By: Jeff Walsh Wed, 28 Jun 2017 17:38:41 +0000 David, thanks for the invitation, before doing this let me ask a question. Which part of the History would you say is not candid and historically accurate? Do we discard Joseph Smith’s History in the standard works of the Church and rely on our new Mormon Historian’s portrayal as true and accurate. Are you advocating that we accept the rantings of such people as David Whitmer’s “Address to all Believers in Christ” and a lot of other anti-Mormon “revelations” which we have in the archives of the Church. Are we to accept that Michael Quinn;s portrayal of the history in his Heirarchy books as true and faithful? What about Howe’s book “Mormonism Unveiled” Is this the “warts and all” history we should be telling the Church and the world? Please enlighten me, which are the “controversial topics that have been omitted in the past”?

By: Dave Banack Wed, 28 Jun 2017 16:56:31 +0000 That’s what we’re doing here, Jeff — discussing ideas of interest. We welcome a broad spectrum of opinion on these ideas, and your voice is as welcome as any other. Participation is voluntary. If you find the discussion offensive or unsettling, there are plenty of other forums out there to explore.

Perhaps you would like to give your own response to JimJiminy’s report that at least one member of the Twelve favors a candid and historically accurate presentation of LDS history that does not avoid controversial topics that have been omitted in the past, and his additional report that LDS leaders might be pursuing a strategy of third-world growth, sort of putting us first-worlders in a holding pattern. These certainly seem like interesting ideas worth discussing.
