Comments on: The Gospels and Rape Culture Truth Will Prevail Sun, 05 Aug 2018 23:56:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Clark Goble Tue, 21 Jun 2016 15:11:06 +0000 “If we lived in a truly equal society a woman should be able to go jogging naked and never fear getting raped. ”

If we lived in a truly equal society a woman running around naked would be treated the same as a man running around naked. (i.e. arrested for sexual harassment)

I’m very sympathetic to discussions of rape culture, but really take a simple experiment and ask what would happen if a man did the equivalent actions. Rape is over course never appropriate. And to the degree these sorts of thought experiments draw attention to how some men justify horrendous acts with any excuse then they are successful. But at the same time I think people need to realize that if men did the same things that are in the thought experiments they’d be fired or arrested.

By: unlockthedoorradio Sun, 19 Jun 2016 16:00:51 +0000 “Rape culture” has nothing to do with “modesty.” However, it does have to do with power-differential. However, we cannot ignore the sexual aspect of it. If we lived in a truly equal society a woman should be able to go jogging naked and never fear getting raped. True, western society affords women far more equality than many other societies. I saw a YouTube video where a German woman, I think she was a sociologist or psychologist, was filmed as she walked around and rode public transportation totally nude and, while getting some amused glances, no German man grabbed her. If she tried that in a society where men are taught that women who show too much skin deserve to be taught a lesson, or that the woman was a sinner, then the outcome would be entirely different. People need to be taught respect for others even if they disagree with their choices of clothes (or anything else for that matter).

By: Rob Osborn Sat, 11 Jun 2016 03:08:43 +0000 Andrew,
Start by searching the web for pornography statistics. The industry has grown a hundred fold in mere decades.

By: RT Fri, 10 Jun 2016 21:34:56 +0000 RO – It occurs to me that what you mean is immorality and imodesty in women has increased. I’m disbelieving of that. Even more, don’t men’s behaviors count? Cause the historical plenitude of prostitutes had way more to do with the habits of men than women.

By: Lori Fri, 10 Jun 2016 20:25:29 +0000 Steve, I’m glad you asked. He mentioned to me at the time that he found it a valuable exercise, and not in the joking sense that people use when talking about something they really want to be doing (“twist my arm”). But I asked him to weigh in on the topic, and I’ll copy what he wrote here, to keep it close in the thread.

From Jon: The beach was fine — beautiful day, not too hot, water a bit chilly but…sorry, off topic. I’m sure no one cares about a beach report.

But, seriously, I found it…refreshing?…that one of the aforementioned ladies near us (who couldn’t be accused of inappropriate dress since there was hardly any “dress” available) seemed perfectly comfortable with her body image, even with a large belly (sporting a large tattoo for emphasis) and what could be considered a rather revealing half-a-kini.

For me personally, this wasn’t a “banish lustful thoughts” moment (and certainly not a “how dare you, woman!” moment) — just an “ain’t anatomy interesting” moment, and a thought that people being more comfortable with their shape and size, whatever it be, would be a good thing. I’m not advocating her particular method of demonstrating her comfort, but whatever I think of it is my business or my problem, as it were, not hers.

I do think modesty of thought and modesty of action are good things. I don’t think coming down on a person for having bare shoulders is necessarily a good thing. (Lori tells me that, growing up a good Mormon teen, she regularly wore tank tops, and it just wasn’t a thing. What happened to shoulders in the intervening years?)

Anyway, even without going to the beach, I am regularly passed on the street by bare shoulders, lots of leg, yoga pants, et al. In the (dress-code-free) university where I teach, the outfits span the spectrum. But I really think it’s up to me to control what I think about it (including that it’s no big deal), and it’s up to them to decide what they want to wear. That’s all.

By: Andrew Fri, 10 Jun 2016 20:00:55 +0000 “RT, Immorality and immodesty in the past hundred years has increased ten fold.”

This is an assertion I hear a lot but nobody ever backs it up with actual data. How do you measure this, is it just a heuristic shot-in-the-dark or is there some secret trove of data on morality that actually backs up this statement? Whenever I hear people say this, they usually mention some cherry-picked situation or observation that is highly subjective in nature. We all just nod along, as if this assumption were true and everyone knows it somehow. Well, it’s high time that people who say this put up or shut up. So, show us the data. I’m quite happy to supply actual data to the contrary.

By: Clark Goble Fri, 10 Jun 2016 19:21:33 +0000 Bert, that’s a rather unusual translation by Bloom. From my limited understanding there’s scholarly disagreement over the meaning of the word translated as “deceived” in the KJV. Some scholars suggest it should be seen as “persuaded” while others pick “enticed” (paralleling its use in 1 Kng 22:21) The fact the word can in other contexts have the more sexual connotation doesn’t mean Jeremiah means it that way. Although who knows, sexual imagery was common in the OT often in ways we’d be uncomfortable with today. (Think the metaphor of the adulterous wife prophets often used)

The main idea though is of human weakness vs. divine strength and the idea that one can’t really oppose God, regardless of the details of the imagery used. I’m skeptical of Bloom’s reading, even though I’m completely unqualified to say that sort of thing. However as you suggest Bloom often seems intentionally taking the more controversial reading possible to rile people up. I think the meaning here is less sexual than more akin to say Isaiah 8:11 “for the LORD spake thus to me with a strong hand, and instructed me that I should not walk in the way of this people, saying….” The idea is that regardless of what the prophet wants, God’s going to make sure he delivers the message. (The story of Jonah obviously applies here)

By: Rob Osborn Fri, 10 Jun 2016 18:28:31 +0000 RT,
Immorality and immodesty in the past hundred years has increased ten fold.

By: Rob Osborn Fri, 10 Jun 2016 18:22:59 +0000 Marie,
The truth is that sister missionaries have a very low rate of becoming the victim of a sex crime. It is because of modesty and adhering to a strict moral conduct in everyday life. It is precisely what they themselves can control despite what yhe world does. Better defense always beates a better offense. What can we learn from the strict moral standards of missionary conduct? That obedience to modesty and morality and rules is the best measure to ensure protection against sexual crimes.

By: Bert Fuller Fri, 10 Jun 2016 16:52:36 +0000 I don’t wish to distract from Julie’s essential and Christ-centered commentary. However, since this is a rare public moment where LDS are discussing what the Bible has to say about rape, I wanted to hazard gaining insight from others. Jeremiah, in 20:7, seems to be saying that YHWH seduced then raped him. I’m not saying that’s what happened; I’m saying that’s what the verse seems to be saying. Maybe some scholarly commentary will clarify.

Herbert Marks, in his edition of the KJV, says that the Hebrew word here rendered “deceived” has the connotation of “enticed, seduced” (Exodus 22:16; Hosea 2:14 [KJV “allure”]), and that “art stronger than I” elsewhere has the meaning “force (sexually)” (rape law in Deut 22:25; Amnon raping Tamar in 2 Sam 13:11–14).

The Jewish scholar Harold Bloom, in his irreverent but moving book Ruin the Sacred Truths, translates Jeremiah 20:7 like this: “Yahweh, you seduced me unlawfully, and I consented to being seduced; you raped me, and you were too strong for my resistance to prevail. All day long I have become an object of derision; everyone mocks me.”

I did an English BA at BYU and a poem by John Donne comes to mind, “Batter my heart, three-person’d God,” where he basically asks God to rape the evil out of him.

Frankly, rape is wrong whatever the Bible or any other scriptures have to say about it. But does anyone have any thoughts why scripture, and Donne’s scripture-inspired poem, would equate spirituality with one of the worst crimes we know about? And why the Second Coming, taking its other name from the Latin Bible, would be called rapture? And why at the height of Jesus’ sacrifice the veil of the temple was rent?

Personally, I have no idea.

By: phbrown Fri, 10 Jun 2016 16:37:25 +0000 How much of this modesty talk is an artifact of our western US culture? Do French or Italian or Spanish or German men think of women at the beach in monokinis as “walking pornography?” When did bare shoulders become immodest among us? What will be next? Collarbones? Elbows?

By: ContraRob Fri, 10 Jun 2016 16:17:13 +0000 Rob, let’s try a thought experiment.

Let’s assume that I am a typical young woman who finds young men in suits attractive, and occasionally my mind might wander past the suit. Aren’t those young men obligated to protect me from losing my ‘virtue’ by not wearing well tailored suits? Aren’t they just flaunting their masculinity? Where does their responsibility lie?

When Suits Become a Stumbling Block: A Plea to My Brothers in Christ*

By: Bert Fuller Fri, 10 Jun 2016 16:12:27 +0000 I responded to Mike above before seeing this reply. Your comment, Julie, reminds me that Jesus (whom I understand more through a Romantic/LDS vision than through studying NT Greek) was emphatic in his revision of traditional power structures, which would be relevant to the master-slave arrangement.

By: RT Fri, 10 Jun 2016 16:12:22 +0000 I’d encourage you to research sexuality before the technological revolution. I have a feeling you think it was a straight forward, nuclear-family beautiful picture.

It just wasn’t. Really, it just wasn’t.

Most of history was 1000x worse than what we have today. And I’ll agree with you that objectification of women is a real problem. But I certainly don’t want to return to the sexual status of my foremothers -more modern or especially ancient.

By: Bert Fuller Fri, 10 Jun 2016 16:05:45 +0000 I appreciate Julie’s comforting approach which rebukes wickedness. I also appreciate your reminder, Mike, that the gospels can be far more terrifying than we’re used to thinking.
