Comments on: Keeping Our Boys Safe Truth Will Prevail Sun, 05 Aug 2018 23:56:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: LB Mon, 30 May 2016 01:10:29 +0000 I too have been really concerned about this.

Here are pointers on how men can protect themselves from false rape accusations, as told through how people prevent rape.
– Don’t ever have sex or anything like unto it, so you will never be accused of rape because someone regretted having sex with you. Especially not premaritally.
– Don’t ever be alone with anyone, so you will never be accused of rape. Safety is in numbers. (ignoring gang rape for moment)
-Don’t ever drink alcohol, so you don’t loose your conscience and so no one can accuse you of being too drunk to hear them say no or drunkingly raping them on accident.
– Pay child support, so your ex-wife won’t accuse you of raping her just because she is mad.
– Don’t ever cheat on your partner, so they won’t accuse you of raping her just because she is mad.
– Give women lots of attention, so they don’t need to say you raped them just for attention.
– Don’t go jogging alone at night so other joggers can’t accuse you of raping them while on your jog.
-Wear a 24/7 body camera so you can prove your innocence if accused of rape.
Lastly, -If at BYU don’t break the honor code, or you may also be accused of rape.

By: Ziff Tue, 24 May 2016 02:47:41 +0000 Just to keep you up to date, BYU now admits women as students as well.

By: Clark Goble Mon, 23 May 2016 17:08:58 +0000 While I know you meant this as a parody Julie, the sad thing is there’s a lot of truth to this. Further, I think the assumption women aren’t aggressive sexually is itself a product of sexism. There’s lot of of sexually aggressive women and due to social mores they often assume they can do things that would be considered assault if a man did them. And that happens even around BYU.

Regarding false rape accusations, the figure is not agreed upon since there’s not even agreement on criteria. (i.e. what we mean by false accusation) Wikipedia has a good article with links to the various sources. The US Dept of Justice says the rate is 8% and Canada puts the rate at 10%. A study of universities in the US put the rate at 5.9%. That is low, given the number of true charges. However it also means that false accusations aren’t at all uncommon either.

I don’t think false accusations should change most reforms, but I do think the presumption of innocence in the US justice system shouldn’t be changed either. Someone mentioned robbery and false charges doesn’t change how we perceive robbery. But of course it does change how we perceive accusations. That is far from being an argument discounting false charges it ought show that false charges are important to be concerned about.

One big problem with the honor code system is the lack of good due process. I think we should keep the honor code, but the way it is run is just inherently problematic. Both in terms of people getting off who shouldn’t, but also people using it as a way of punishing people they don’t like.

By: Julie M. Smith Sun, 22 May 2016 21:59:21 +0000 laserguy: your comment confuses me. The Davidson post concerns the accuracy–or lack thereof–regarding the reporting of the Barney case. This post does not concern that case; this post concerns proposed changes to the BYU Honor Code.

By: laserguy Sun, 22 May 2016 19:28:59 +0000 The Lack of integrity in this post is incredible, honest seekers of truth should go to millennial star to read Michael Davidson’s post explaining some of the dishonesty this author has chosen to regurgitate.

By: Jack Sun, 22 May 2016 18:26:18 +0000 At what point should a BYU student think, “what would Jesus do?”

1. When he signs the BYU honor code contract.

2. When he is tempted to break the honor code.

3. After he has broken the honor code.

4. After he has lied about breaking the honor code.

5. When he is angry at BYU for enforcing the honor code.

6. After he has orchestrated a media event denouncing the honor code.

7. None of the above.

Deep Thoughts by Jack

By: wowbagger Sun, 22 May 2016 16:06:05 +0000 Poe’s law too, it would seem. I was gasping at Julie’s use of “purity” and “immodest clothing” till I “got” it.

By: Old Man Sun, 22 May 2016 06:45:25 +0000 This article is the best I have read on BYU’s rape culture:

By: laserguy Sat, 21 May 2016 21:54:25 +0000 As a reminder, this article illustrates sexuality’s assault…
This post however, is poorly written propaganda.

By: jader3rd Sat, 21 May 2016 18:26:26 +0000 I must be out of the loop. What issue is garnering negative press?

By: jader3rd Sat, 21 May 2016 18:16:05 +0000 I got my first girl friend Sophomore year at BYU. Over winter break when she was at her parents house she got a black eye. When she came back to Provo she joked with her roommates that her boyfriend (me) gave her the black eye. She shared with me that she found that sentiment funny, and would continue to say it whenever asked about her eye. I firmly told her that it wasn’t funny, and that she shouldn’t do that. I was terrified that someone in authority, who didn’t know either of us, would hear that, and I’d be in hot water.
I suspect that she found it funny because 1) to even be possible it meant that she had a boyfriend, and was reveling in that fact, 2) its a polar opposite of how I am, making the thought so absurd, it would usually be humorous, 3) we were in different timezones when the incident occurred, making it rather hard for me to be the perpetrator.
I know that abused girlfriends are a real issue, and when confronted by authorities the girl will change their story, because they want to keep their man; and I’m really grateful that I did not end up on the wrong end of a guilty until proven less guilty situation.

By: Sturtevant Sat, 21 May 2016 12:40:54 +0000 I guess making light of this issue probably has some value. It must be difficult dealing with non-member friends given the negative attention this issue garnered from the press. I guess that’s the price of tying oneself to an organization that seems out of touch on women’s issues.

By: John Lundwall Sat, 21 May 2016 02:38:31 +0000 KL 5.1
There is a difference between the Honor Code Office and the commandments of God and to a lesser extent the laws of the land. As this last case has shown, the bureaucratization of morality is itself an absurdity that leads to immorality. The fact that the police expressly asked to have any HCO investigation postponed so that it would not interfere with their own criminal probe, and that request was rejected by the HCO in favor of prosecuting a moral infraction regardless of the criminal probe, shows a remarkably Orwellian morality at play. It is sick. And if our culture cannot distinguish between competing moral imperatives of this kind, than the commandments of God and the laws of the land become an entirely arbitrary set of rules enforced at the whims of mediocre middle managers and the tyranny of committee.

The HCO should be in the hot seat. The people who ordered the HCO commence with their punitive actions should be fired. And BYU should offer a profound and very public apology to this young woman. And if they cannot do that, then dear God, get rid of the office.

By: Ziff Sat, 21 May 2016 02:28:47 +0000 Outstanding, Julie! Thanks so much for this.

By: Terry H Fri, 20 May 2016 23:50:31 +0000 Julie. Not only WILL that work, the daughters-in-law WILL love you unreservedly, even MORE than their own mothers. Prophecy.
