Comments on: Reading Nephi – 5:10-22 Truth Will Prevail Sun, 05 Aug 2018 23:56:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Clark Goble Sat, 07 Nov 2015 18:48:02 +0000 A couple of tangents. First while the merchant theory of Lehi is persuasive it seems there are different kinds of merchants. I think the best argument is that Lehi was a trader type of merchant. i.e. he traveled a lot.

I bring that up because it really affects how we judge what is or isn’t miraculous in their traveling. How experienced a traveler Lehi was really affects how we read the rest of the narrative in 1 Nephi.

Going beyond that there’s the whole, somewhat controversial, issue of seeing the miraculous in the mundane. The classic example is praying to find ones keys and then finding them. Is it miraculous? Perhaps Nephi’s examples are much more extreme than that, yet there’s something similar to them at times. We might be prone to adopt a more skeptical eye were it not for the Liahonah (not to mention the fact they actually reach America)

By: Rob Osborn Tue, 03 Nov 2015 16:10:31 +0000 So, are you now saying Nephi isnt a zealot and murderer? Kudos my brother!
