How do you pronounce that anyway?
]]>(Gosh, I love that website so!)
]]>(My youngest daughter’s middle name is Dallin for Dallin Oakes, so…..)
(nevermind, I think maybe I ought to go to bed.)
I’m so sorry!!!!
(but not sorry I won’t have THREE girls sharing one bedroom….oy!)
]]>Yes, I’m a he. Also, my first name (the shortened version I use in general) gets a tri-syllabic pronunciation, as discussed here: . (This pronuciation despite the best attempts of many, including one Nate Oman, to redefine the pronunciation rules of the Hawaiian language.)
We have four female permabloggers. They are Kristine, Melissa, Rosalynde, and Julie. (But even that list overstates the possibilities for those bloggernacle bachelors about whom Arturo is concerned, since all but Melissa are currently married with children). We also have eleven male permabloggers, including myself; bloggernacle bachelorettes will want to focus any attention on our token unmarried male blogger, Ben H.
Arwyn a guy? You’re clearly not a Tolkein geek. Back to Fellowship of the Ring for you! Don’t come back until you have a doormat that says “Speak Friend and Enter” and you work “my preciouss, my preciousss” and “you shall not pass” into conversations at random points.
]]>–SISTER Sheri Lynn (maybe we all need to clarify a few things….!)
]]>“You know, apostasy, have I ever told you how pretty your eyes are?” . . .
]]>Some Mormon forums have had particularly divisive exchanges over “the Palmer Affair.”