A very early iteration of our theme here had only a single adjective. (The adjective list was originally only 20-30 words long). The list grew rapidly, and we briefly experimented with putting two adjectives in two different sentences (all within the first 24 hours of setting up the blog); the group overwhelmingly preferred the one-sentence, two-adjective setup, which has remained ever since about day 2 of the blog’s existence.
As far as favorites, I particularly like “seaworthy,” because it usually has nothing to do with the other adjective. “Uplifting, yet seaworthy” makes me chuckle.
I also like it when the first adjective is very self-righteous or pompous sounding and then the second adjective is ridiculous or silly. “Wise, yet long-winded” or “acclaimed, yet incomprehensible” are a few favorites that I have seen.
]]>But the Met. Elders were another. So “onymous” went in to distinguish us (the onymous blog) from them (the anonymous blog).
Since we are the only onymous Mormon group blog, we can claim to be the most uplifting, influential, incomprehensible, or whatever, and it’s probably correct.
(I had to look up “onymous” in the dictionary. My original intuition was that the opposite of anonymous would be “nonymous” (drop the “a” like “amoral”). But it actually turns out to be “onymous.”).
]]>I had to look up Kaldor-Hicks as it sounded like some bad villain from an Edgar Rice Burroughs book.
Kind of funny given the extended discussion of consecration the last week.
]]>A community of people, living in a mine shaft.
]]>(Being a non-speaker of German, my most pressing problem — after getting to know the two words — was keeping their meanings apart. Mine-shaft technology worked well for that)
]]>(Yeah, yeah, I know it’s weak, but those of us with completely useless degrees in German have to feel clever sometimes :) )
]]>Hmm. If I were behind a veil of ignorance, I would want to arrange things so I could say “I think, therefore I am.” How’s that for Rawlsian, yet Cartesian?
]]>Fortunately, reading the very inciteful posts usually dispels my doubts pretty quickly.